Simple and Easy way to Open an NRI Account Online!

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Which account type do you want to open as an NRI, you have options such as savings account NRE, savings account NRO. If you wish to make some investment in fixed deposits, there are fixed deposit NRE, fixed deposit NRO and foreign currency deposits as well. Fill in your email id, select the type of account you would like to have, save your options and go ahead.
USD, EUR, GBP, JPY are the foreign currency options available to you. You can choose the foreign currency that is applicable to you and create your fixed deposit. Your personal information must be filled in appropriately with contact details. It is better to have a nominee in case of some inevitability such as accident, death etc. On filling your essential details, you will soon see a customer relationship number being generated in real time basis. Once, this is generated you can start with your fund transfer.
You will soon be contacted by a customer relationship team to gather information on your profile details over phone. With this completion, your account is created and you get your welcome kit which consists of your debit card or cheque book. Your account will be created within a day through the online mode. Your account gets regularized on receipt of document.
In addition to this, online mode allows you to select multiple accounts, say for example you want a savings account as well as a fixed deposit account, you can do it easily by selecting both the options. This way, you get processed for both the accounts simultaneously. If you want joint application, you and your spouse can use the same form. You can track the status of your application at every stage online. There is a PDF document which details out clearly where to sign and what relevant documents to attach.
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