Simple Steps To Online Profits
Share: If you've heard about internet marketing and would like to get in the game
, you aren't alone. It seems everybody these days has got some kind of website or blog, and are making at least a few cents from it. Despite the soft economy, there's never been a better time to make money than tight now. Look, it's not like you're going to make a killing overnight, but if you know what you're doing figure out how to sell things that people want, you're be in pretty good shape. In this article I'm going to tell you the the most important things to keep in mind.
To start off with, most people don't really have any goals. Yea, they'd like to get rich someday, but unless you know exactly where you're going, you don't have much chance of getting there. That's why setting specific goals that you can measure is essential. For example, if you aren't making any money now, a good goal might be to make a hundred bucks your first month. Or if you're making a couple hundred a month, maybe you want to shoot for five hundred. As long as it's believable, yet slightly out of your reach, it's a good goal to go for.
Of course, you need to have a decent site. People shop online a little differently than when they shop in a regular store. In a regular store, they can ask questions, compare products, and figure out which product is best for them. Online, you've got to answer all their questions they might have. Your website basically has to be the best sales associate around. Answer all the questions, as well as make the product sound really good.
Of course, if nobody comes to your site, you're going to make nada. Just like if you set up an ice cream shop in the middle of the Atlantic ocean, you wouldn't make any money no matter how good your ice cream was. To get traffic, you've got to show up in the search engines. That means your site has to be optimized for the keywords your going after.
Of course, you can short cut the whole search engine optimization game, but it's going to cost you. Pay per click advertising, or PPC , is a great way to get targeted traffic. But you've got to be sure that a certain percentage of the people that come to your site are going to buy something. Otherwise you may as well take your money and give it to some homeless guy so he can get another bottle of Night Train. Try and stay away from PPC until you know you're getting a certain percentage of conversions.
If you want to get higher rankings in the search engines, you've got to build a lot of backlinks. These are links on other sites pointing to your site. Everybody who's done any kind of internet marketing knows that building backlinks really sucks. It's boring, and it takes a long time to see results. Maybe that's why so many people only make about twenty five cents a month from their website.
You know how when you go to the supermarket and they've got all the high profit items right next to the check out line? That's because they are smart. They watch their traffic flow, and put the big money items where most people go. You need to do the same with your site. Figure out where most of the people are going, and put some of your money offers on that page. After all, nobody would buy the National Enquirer if it were next to the motor oil.
The biggest thing you can do is get people to keep coming back to your site. All those people you see in the supermarket, happy to spend their money? They are all repeat customers. If you can get people to keep coming back to your site, you can make some pretty serious coin. You can do this by making it interesting, and not being so high pressure when it comes to sales. Remember, you'll sell a lot more if you try a low pressure sales technique on 1000 people a month that you'd get if you tried a high pressure technique on 100 people a month.
So there you have it. Your step by step guide to making more money than you know what to do with. Build yourself a site, make it interesting, come up with something decent to sell, and get more and more people to visit you again and again. You'll be rich in no time.
by: Winston Takeda
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