Most parents feel that they will not be able to tell if their newborn child is sick. Most first time parents don't find comfort in being told how a sick baby reacts compared to a healthy baby. This is because everything about their baby is unfamiliar and new so they don't have experience with what is normal and what isn't. Many times a parent is told that if they baby is constantly crying for days on end they might be sick, but this isn't always the case considering many healthy babies cry for longs periods of time too. If you have a notion that your child may be sick then as yourself these questions:
Is your child behaving differently? Are they beginning to cry more often then normal? Is the tone of crying any different? What about the times that they cry? Has the child's irritability fluctuated? How are the baby's sleep patterns? Share: Have you noticed a difference in the child's appetite? What about their digestion? Is the baby eating less? If your child is throwing up, is it forcefully? (This can usually be called projectile vomiting.) Is your child having a hard time going to the bathroom (pooping)? Is your child frequently having diarrhea (watery poop)? Is the baby peeing more or less than usual? Is the color of the urine changing?
Have you noticed any changes in the baby's breathing? Is the baby struggling to breathe at any time? Does the breathing sound congested? Is the child's nose stuffy or running? Is the baby coughing more than usual?
Does the baby look different? Has the child's skin color turned dull or pale? Have you checked to see if the baby has a rash anywhere on its body? Are the baby's eyes glassy or lifeless?
Does the baby have a fever?
Any of these signs can tell whether or not your child is ill. If you answered yes to any of the above questions you should call your doctor. Do not become to worrisome about if your child is sick. If you recognize the symptoms early enough, you can stop further sickness. When you call your doctor, be prepared to tell them these following things:
Do you know the signs of what the baby is going through and what is possibly wrong?
How long has the baby been under going these signs.
So in summary paying close attention to your baby can help you recognize early symptoms. With this early detection you can prevent any illnesses from becoming worse than they are.