Side Effects Of Dermal Fillers: Know What To Expect After The Treatment
If you have talked to a doctor about dermal fillers such as Botox
, Resytalene and it has been decided that you are an ideal candidate for them, then you should find out the risks and side effects that can come with using them.
Though this is considered a noninvasive procedure and can be a great alternative to surgery, you should get to know the possible risks before you decide to have this done. This will ensure that you are truly prepared for anything related to this method of getting rid of wrinkles.
Most side effects that any patient experiences due to injectables are temporary. In fact, they are quite rare, as most people recover easily from this procedure. This is why it is preferred over more invasive, surgical treatments.
However, if you do have any side effects, they may include a headache afterward, along with general flu-like symptoms or a possible respiratory infection. Of course if you observe any of these issues, and they cannot be managed with analgesics, you can call your doctor to find out the next course of action.
You may also notice some unexpected changes to the surface of your skin after getting this treatment. Some patients experience temporary redness as their skin recovers from the injections, and some pain and bruising may also occur in more extreme situations. Some eyelid drooping and overall weakness of the facial muscles may also occur.
Many people expect to be able to get this procedure on their lunch hour, and while that may be possible, it also leaves little time to heal from any issues. For this reason, it may be wise to take a day or so off from work or other activities in case temporary side effects occur. In most cases, if they are not observed right away, there should not be a problem at all. Any time you take off will still be much less than the amount of time you would need to recover from surgery.
Knowing about these possible problems might not allow you to prevent them, but at least you will not be surprised when you are affected by them. Rather than assuming they are abnormal or permanent, you can remain calm and call your doctor to find out what to do.
Knowledge of the possible side effects before getting dermal fillers like Botox should offer you peace of mind, both prior to the procedure and afterward, allowing you to truly enjoy the appealing results of this treatment.
by: Abigail Aaronson
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