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Side Effects Of Cancer & Its Treatment

Learn how to manage the side effects of cancer & its treatments.

Side Effects:

Some of the common symptoms of cancer are listed below. Some of them might be due to cancer, but others might be caused by its treatment:

Tiredness (fatigue)

Sleep disturbances

Loss of appetite

Feeling sick (nausea)

Mouth problems

Dry mouth

Taste changes

Sore mouth and throat



Physical effects of emotion

Tiredness (fatigue)

Feeling fatigued and exhausted all or most of the time is one of the most common and also the most difficult problem for people with cancer. It may be due to the treatment or the progress of the disease, or may be a result of other symptoms, such as breathlessness, anemia or pain. For some patients, the tiredness is mild and doesnt interfere much with their daily life. But for others, it might be disabling.

Cancer patients might find it difficult to do even the usual everyday tasks. They feel weak, having no energy; develop forgetfulness; face difficulty in concentrating; experience light-headedness and feel irritable.

To make it easier to cope with life, take steps to plan your day in order to save energy for doing things that are most important to you. Understand that it is okay to accept help from others or make simple changes in the way you do things.

Research says that being active helps in increasing the energy levels. But if you feel too exhausted to exercise, dont stress out yourself. Please make sure to discuss with your doctor before starting an exercise routine.

Sleep disturbances

Cancer patient may experience disturbance in their sleep. It may be due to anxiety; the treatments; pain; feeling sick; breathlessness; having diarrhea; or it may be due to staying in hospital, where it may be noisy.

To ease this symptom, talk to someone about your worries and concerns because counseling helps a lot. If possible, avoid taking naps in the late afternoon or evening as it will affect your sleeping at night. Moreover, try to keep busy during the day and, if you can, do a little exercise.

You can try these steps to get a peaceful sleep:

Maintain a regular bedtime routine. Go to bed at the same time each night.

Your sleeping area should be as much quiet and comfortable as possible.

Have a warm, milky drink before going to bed.

Take a warm bath with a few drops of lavender or geranium oil to relax you, or sprinkle a couple of drops on your pillow.

If you have pain, try taking long-acting pain killers to last all night.

Avoid taking caffeine or nicotine as it hinders in your getting to sleep.

If you still find it difficult to sleep or wake up early, do not worry or stress out. Just try to relax. Instead of lying awake in bed tossing and turning tune into radio or TV; read a book etc until you feel drowsy enough to sleep and then go back to bed.

Loss of appetite

Most cancer patients lose their appetite and feel nauseous. It may be either due to the cancer itself or the result of treatment chemotherapy or radiotherapy. You might be put off even by the sight and smell of the food.

Try these tips to ease yourself:

Have small, frequent, simple meals rather than large plates of rich food.

Gradually add extra calories to keep the weight steady.

Losing weight can be distressing. Consider taking simple steps to improve your self-esteem, such as buying some new clothes in a smaller size.

If possible, try to get someone else to prepare food for you so that you do not feel too tired to eat by the time it is ready.

When you are having the most difficult times, shift to a liquid diet like take some high-calorie drinks. You can go back to solid foods when you feel better.

People with advanced-stage cancer may become weak and not able to absorb food very well. In this situation, it is best to eat what you want, whenever you feel able to, and not worry too much about healthy eating.

Feeling sick (nausea)

Cancer or its treatment can sometimes cause nausea or vomiting leading to discomfort and distress. Nausea may be caused by various things including: radiotherapy, chemotherapy, constipation, painkillers, infection, pain, a high level of calcium in the blood, irritation of the stomach lining and blockage of the bowel.

Doctors usually prescribe an anti-sickness drug to overcome nausea. But it has to be taken regularly so as to reduce the chances of sickness coming back. Completely controlling the sickness caused by chemotherapy may not always be possible but it can be reduced to some extent. Moreover, complementary therapies relaxation, homeopathy, and acupuncture etc can be helpful in reducing the sickness.

Some helpful tips for reducing nausea:

Eat only when you feel less sick.

Avoid fatty foods, foods with a strong smell, or fried foods it makes your nausea worse.

Let the food cool down before eating the smell of hot food might make you feel sick.

Take small, light snacks during the day and chew the food well.

If possible, take small, regular meals.

Drink plenty of liquids but do not drink too much before eating.

Drink slowly in small sips.

Try eating ginger biscuits or drinking ginger beer ginger is quite helpful.

Mouth problems

Mouth problems such as mouth dryness, infection or ulcers might develop, thus affecting the eating, drinking and the talking ability.

Following the below routines might help in preventing or lessening the mouth problems:

Use a small, soft-bristled toothbrush for brushing teeth every morning and evening. Use a toothpaste with fluoride.

Gently brush your tongue when cleaning your teeth. But make sure that your tongue is not sore, otherwise dont do it.

Rinse your mouth with water or an alcohol-free mouthwash.

If you use dentures, rinse them well after meals & before use. Be sure to remove them at night and soak them in a denture solution.

Be gentle while using dental floss.

Moisturize your lips with Vaseline or a lip balm.

Dry mouth

Cancer causes saliva to be produced in low amounts resulting in a dry mouth which can be quite uncomfortable and changes the way food tastes. Radiotherapy, certain drugs, feeling very anxious all make your mouth feel dry.

If you have a dry mouth, try these:

Avoid mouthwashes containing alcohol because they dry out the mouths lining.

Drink sips of water or other drinks throughout the day to keep your mouth moist.

Smooth a small amount of vegetable oil on your mouths lining to help it keep moist.

Moisten your lips by Vaseline or a lip balm.

If needed, your doctor can prescribe artificial saliva which is available as gels, sprays, pastilles or lozenges.

Drink fluids with meals.

Include plenty of sauces and gravy with meals.

Avoid chocolate and pastries as they tend to stick to the roof of mouth.

Use sugar-free chewing gum to stimulate saliva production.

Eat foods with a high fluid content such as jelly, pureed fruits, and soft puddings.

Chew fresh unsweetened pineapple chunks to help keep your mouth fresh and moist.

Avoid dry foods - biscuits, crackers etc

Taste changes

Your sense of taste might change or texture of a food might seem different. It can be due to the cancer or it can be a temporary change as a result of cancer treatment. Sometimes you may find that all foods taste the same; or the food has no taste at all; or you have a metallic taste in your mouth after chemotherapy. You might no longer enjoy certain foods.

Below are some points to help you ease your condition:

Eat foods that appeal to you and ignore those that you do not enjoy, but try them again after a few weeks because your sense of taste may change again.

Use seasonings, spices and herbs to flavour your cooking.

Try marinating meat in fruit juices, or dress it in strong sauces like sweet and sour or curry.

Garnish cold meats with pickle or chutney it may taste better.

Fresh fruits, fruit juices and bitter boiled sweets can be refreshing and leave a pleasant taste in the mouth.

Try lemon, green tea or perhaps an ice-cold fizzy drink instead of tea or coffee.

Take sauces with fish, chicken and egg dishes.

Sore mouth and throat

Chemotherapy and radiotherapy can cause a sore mouth or mouth ulcers. It may also occur if are not able to eat a nutritious diet, have a low immunity or have an infection of the lining of the mouth or throat.

Talk to your doctor about it. He might prescribe an antiseptic and painkilling mouthwash or a protective gel to ease the pain and discomfort.

Helpful hints if you have a sore mouth:

Follow a mouth care routine as far as possible.

If you find your toothpaste to be stingy then use a mouthwash instead.

If you use dentures, then leave them out for a while to prevent chafing your gums.

Avoid tobacco, hot spices, garlic, onion, vinegar and salty food they may irritate the mouth.

Keep your food moist by adding gravy and sauces to your food so as to make swallowing easier.

Avoid rough textured food toast, crisps they can scrape sore areas.

Try drinking at least one litre of fluid a day. It may include water, tea, weak coffee, soft drinks, and fruit juices.

Use a straw for drinking.

Taking cold foods and drinks is soothing to a sore mouth. Add crushed ice to drinks; eat ice cream etc.

Take warm herbal teas instead of acidic drinks (like orange and grapefruit juice) as they may be more soothing.


Constipation is caused by many things. It may occur due to some chemotherapy and anti-sickness drugs; level of calcium in the blood is too high; or the bowel is blocked. Using medium strength or strong painkillers might be the cause too. Your doctor will do tests to find the exact cause of the constipation.

Helpful tips if you have constipation:

Eat a balanced diet, including fibre-rich foods, fresh fruit and vegetables, cereals and wholemeal bread.

Drink plenty of fluids.

Get some exercise a short walk a couple of times a day might help too. Ask someone to come with you if you cant walk by yourself.

Add fruits to your meals.

Take hot lemon drinks.

If constipation remains for more than 3-4 days, consult your doctor.

Take plenty of fibre in your diet.

If the reason of constipation is your medications painkillers or anti-sickness drugs do not reduce the medication dosage. Consult your doctor or nurse about it. They will either prescribe a laxative or increase its dosage if you are already taking one.

Flaxseed (linseed) helps in easing constipation.

Note: Consult your doctor before taking fibre or linseed, if you have cancer of the gullet (oesophagus) or bowel. For further advice on dealing with constipation, check with your doctor.


Diarrhoea can occur due to either an infection or a side effect of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Some medications may also cause diarrhoea while some types of cancer prevent food to be absorbed properly from the bowel.

When diarrhoea is a side effect of radiotherapy, changing the diet wont help much. So for this, the doctor will prescribe an anti-diarrhoea medicine.

Helpful tips if you have diarrhoea

Cut down on fiber intake.

Eat cooked fruit and vegetables instead of raw ones.

Avoid milk and dairy products.

Drink plenty of fluids.

Avoid alcohol, coffee and fizzy drinks.

Eat small, frequent meals made from light foods white fish, chicken, eggs (well cooked), white bread, pasta or rice.

Avoid highly spiced or fatty foods.

Eat your meals slowly.

Antibiotics tend to kill helpful bacteria of bowel. Eat live yogurt to recover the damage. If you are undergoing chemotherapy, first check with your doctor before trying this.

Note: If the diarrhoea persists for more than 2 days, consult your doctor.


Anxiety is a natural and a very common emotional reaction to cancer. It may show many physical symptoms such as:

breathing too fast


tense muscles





dry mouth

feeling sick


chest pain or discomfort

a lump in the throat

pins and needles

reddening of the face and neck (flushing).

When anxiety levels are high, you may experience panic attacks. Learning some relaxation techniques may help you get back in control. When anxious or panicked, try taking some slow deep breaths and concentrate on what is happening right at that moment. Do not stress on your worries about what may happen.

Work with your doctor to figure out if your symptoms are related to anxiety. He may prescribe medication to ease this condition. But even then if you feel very anxious, try counselling or psychotherapy it helps a lot.


Depression causes many problems like difficulty in concentrating; going to sleep; feeling tired and lethargic. Talk to others about your concerns will help others to help you out. Moreover, getting help with home chores, financial advice if you cant work, or having someone listen to you while you talk can all help to relieve your depression.

The physical problems that depression produces may occur for days or weeks after diagnosis, but if they continue for more than three or four weeks, medical treatment may be necessary to relieve them.

Physical effects of emotion

Fear worsens the symptoms of breathlessness, anxiety, depression and tiredness. So treating the emotional causes of any symptom as well as the physical ones is very important.

Talk to your family, friends, your specialist care team or counselors to ease yourself. Taking some drug treatment is helpful too like an anti-depressant to help your mood or a sedative drug.

by: Ambreen R
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Side Effects Of Cancer & Its Treatment