Should You Use Over The Counter Teeth Whitening Kits Or See A Dentist?
Most people today would agree with the fact that having a white smile is big for someones social life
. It is becoming more and more popular to have your teeth bleached or to use teeth whitening kits. But, what is the most cost effective way to whiten your teeth? Only few can afford to spend hundreds of dollars on teeth whitening. But what about the rest who would like to whiten their teeth but cant afford to spend much? Does that mean their teeth are doomed? There are so many different ways to whiten your teeth.
One way is to go to your dentist and have them do a, power bleach. This usually takes anywhere from one to two hours. The cost can be several hundred dollars, but you get instant results that can last about a year. The results vary depending on your teeth. It can make them up to eight shades whiter! If you want instant results, and you can afford it, this is method for you.
Another way to brighten your teeth is to take home
teeth whitening kits from your dentist. This is a little less than having it done in the office, but still can be a couple hundred dollars. With this method you dont see instant results, but see your teeth whitening over a span of about 1 to 2 weeks. The dentist will make a mold of your teeth then give you a take-home tray. You can wear it at night while you sleep. Simple, but it just takes a little longer for results. However, the results are the same as the power bleach. It can whiten your teeth up to eight shades whiter and last about a year.
An even cheaper way of whitening your teeth is to buy over-the-counter whitening strips. These are much cheaper in price, usually priced at around twenty dollars, and have some benefits. You can usually wear them during the day without anyone really noticing them. They can whiten your teeth 1 to 3 shades whiter and will usually last about three months.
There are also
teeth whitening kits you can buy at the store for about the same price that deliver about the same results. It is up to you which method would be more convenient.
So, overall
teeth whitening is available to pretty much anybody. It depends on how much money you want to spend and how long you want to keep your results. If you have any questions it is good to contact your dentist and ask for his opinion.
by: Peter Morgan
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