Should Hospitals Perform Mandatory Newborn Hearing Test?

Share: Most of you might be aware that being able to hear
, in the early life of a child, is extremely crucial. Listening helps the infant to learn to speak, and, by extension, teaches him to communicate and engage in the world around us. It also helps in the social, cognitive and emotional development depending on the newborns hearing ability. Hearing is a major part, to learn not only language, but also concepts that help people associate different sounds with things and ideas. Most part of the thinking abilities are developed I the initial years of a child and if the child is hearing impaired, it might create a lifelong effect on the development.
It is essential that you get the newborn hearing test done to your baby, as soon as possible, for effective treatment of any auditory loss. When we say asap, we mean it because if you delay the process, your child might suffer from permanent hearing loss. That is one reason many hospitals have started performing mandatory newborn hearing test. There are many reasons a child can suffer from hearing impairment or hearing loss. One most common reason is birth defect. Statistics show that as many as 3 out of every 1,000 babies suffer from some degree of loss. Well, but there are other culprits too; premature births, complications at birth, repeat ear infections or certain medications are among those.

Share: However, the urban life has become quite noisy and therefore, it becomes extremely crucial to avoid loud noise exposure to your newborn. Loud noises can do major damage to a sensitive newborn's tiny ears. That is why; you must ensure proper techniques for noise protection are used to keep your child away from hearing impairment. Performing a newborn hearing test will ensure that your child does not suffer from hearing defects and how sensitive is your child to different types of noises. There are several types of noises like, fireworks, loud music or television, bullet sound, thunderstorms, yelling and cooing very near the ears that hamper the childs hearing ability.
Thus arises the need for ear plugs that would be perfectly fit the babys ears to protect it from loud noises. Custom ear plugs are just the right option, as they are made according to the needs of the newborn babies. Custom ear plugs for newborns are soft and wont be hurtful, keeping babies and infants at ease when they are in extremely noisy places. It will also ensure that the baby gets a sound sleep, even in the urban noise. It is important for the baby to sleep well, for the physical and mental development. However, you must ensure utmost care while choosing custom ear plugs for your baby to ensure effective noise protection. One of the most commonly used custom ear plugs for newborns are made out of silicon, which are soft enough and tend to be less painful when plugged in the babys ears. These ensure comfort to the baby even when used for long hours.
by: hearlink jone
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