Setting A Good Example Is Best Way To Teach Children Dental Care
Just like the average person, babies should be given good dental health care both at home and professionally
. To make sure that your child's first teeth are healthy, it would be best to give dental care early. This is important because primary teeth reserve space for permanent teeth. When a child loses his primary tooth too early, the other teeth may move toward the free space and new teeth would grow crookedly.
During teething, a child would have sore gums, and one way to alleviate the pain is by rubbing the gums with a clean finger or a small spoon. If the baby does not experience relief, go and ask what to do from your dentist or pediatrician. Within the first days after birth, an infant's gums should start being wiped with a damp washcloth or gauze pad.
It is advisable to begin tooth brushing when a child's tooth first comes out and to use only a small amount of toothpaste. The toothbrush which parents would use should be the one that is made for kids. To avoid scratched gums, parents are advised to buy small toothbrushes with soft end rounded bristles.
The development of baby bottle tooth decay may occur when a baby drinks something sweet before going to bed. These liquids would cause cavities to form, thus causing loss of baby teeth. Crooked teeth would come out as a result if no immediate treatment is given. Giving a bottle of water or a pacifier would lessen the chances of a baby developing baby bottle tooth decay. information.
To prevent small problems from becoming bigger, bring your baby to the dentist early in his life. The dentist will look for any sign of cavity formation or dental problems that may have come as a result of thumb sucking. The dentist will give you advice on what diet your child should have, as well as tips on how maintain good dental health care for your kids.
It is while the child is young that proper training on good dental care should be done. Setting a good example would the most ideal way to begin. If you have good dental care habits such as brushing and flossing, then there's a big possibility for your child to do the same things.
Educating kids on toothbrushing should be done when they are two or three years old. Children should brush their teeth on their own with only a small amount of parental supervision once they hit the age of five. Flossing requires some mastery, and a child may have to practice it first before they can do it right. The child's parents should be the first ones to floss his teeth, and this has to happen when he is two or three years old. Your child should be able to floss alone, but supervised, at around age eight.
Tooth enamel is strengthened and made resistant to tooth decay because of a natural mineral known as fluoride. Young children are the ones who need fluoride the most. At the stage when teeth are beginning to form, fluoride gets mixed with developing enamel, thus causing teeth to be strengthened.
Fluoride for children is available in either the internal way or the topical way. Fluoride is taken internally through the drinking of water and the eating of foods which would contain fluoride. Topical fluoride, on the other hand, can be applied by a dental professional, and will give anti cavity protection.
by: natasha
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