Seniors Who Buy Stun Guns Instantly Transform Themselves Into Bruce Lee

Share: My grandmother refuses to carry a stun gun or even pepper spray
. I am not sure why but I'm not going to bug her for all eternity about it. I love her to death and wish she would consider but there is only so much I can do. She is a 75 year old woman who lives alone.
I'm not saying that she is incapable of handling herself but the fact of the matter isthe average75 year old woman is not going to win a physical altercation with the average young male who is prone to break into her house. My grandma is not taking a 22 year old meth head burglar with a well timed roundhouse kick to the solar plexus. My grandmother is no push over. She takes walks everyday (every day that Chicago weather will spare) and golfs borderline avidly'.But the odds are just against it. Most criminals are also opportunistic if nothing else. A meth head wants to do the least amount of work for a fix and that means if they have to rob someone they are going to pick someone they think that they have the best chance of obtaining money from.Predators are pretty much the samein the mammal kingdom. They feed on the weakest' members of the group as it increases their chances of success. Also I am not calling senior citizens weak,grandma wouldput my head through a wall if I did.
I'm simply stating thatI'd love to see her increase her chances ofbeing unharmed in a situation like that should it ever occur.And if she had a stun gun than hot dang.She'd have herself a hand held Bruce Lee. Like I said, the woman is in shape. She can effectively wield a stun gun. It is not a complex weapon, it is not heavy, and the best part is it isnon-lethal. Yesfatalities have been caused by stun devices but chairs, lamps and bricks have caused fatalities at some point. It's rare. The vast majority of times the assailant will get to go off to jail and not to a cemetery. And I don't ever want to be the reason, or have my Grandmother be the reason, that someone lost their life. Even if it isby means ofself defense.
So if you are a senior living alone or with a spouse on your own I would hope you would consider doing yourself and the people that love you a huge favor and have something. If you won't
buy stun guns than buy pepper spray or a dog or pay some guy to actually dress up in that pimp yellow jumpsuit Bruce had in Game of Death' and just stand outside your house, but something. Increase your odds and notkeep a deadly weapon in the house at the same time.

Share: Thank you for once again listening to my sometimes endless, yet well-intended ramblings.
Stay Safe.
Puzek Security Systems Seniors Who Buy Stun Guns Instantly Transform Themselves Into Bruce Lee
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Seniors Who Buy Stun Guns Instantly Transform Themselves Into Bruce Lee Seattle