See How To Save Even More With Wal Mart Online Shopping

Share: by David Batchelor
by David Batchelor
People enjoy finding great deals and coupons for extra savings when they shop. The internet has become such a great way to find all of these bargains and now there is an additional application known as My Shopping Genie that will enhance your search efforts. If you use Wal Mart online shopping, you can download and use this new application to help you perform quicker searches for the best deals online.

Share: Once you have downloaded this asset, you will have it automatically accessible for your use every time you perform a product search. If Wal Mart sells the product and is has one of the top ten deals, then Wal Mart will appear as one of the ten sites you should visit. The other nine sites listed will have competitive deals to offer.
The genie is a box or banner that will list different websites with the best deals and prices for whatever you are looking for. For example, if you search for body soap, Wal Mart online shopping may be one of the sites of ten that are listed for your convenience.
If you scroll your cursor over any of the ten sites that are listed in the application box, you will be able to preview the content of each site without leaving your current page. If you see a deal that you are interested in, you may then click on that site and the internet will open up a new page that goes directly to the coupons and sales for your product.
Reviews have shown that this tool makes your online shopping a lot more effective and quick. With this tool, you will avoid having to drive to various locations, looking through newspaper advertisements and you will not have to manually go to many different online websites for various stores searching for the best deal. It saves time and money with just one click of the mouse.
To download this helpful feature is very simple. All you have to do is click on David's bio box at the end of this article where it says 'MyShoppingGenie'. Then David will send you an email with a link to download the application. Once it is downloaded, you might have to restart your browser or computer before the application is fully loaded onto your system. Once downloaded, every time you go to a search engine to perform a particular search, this shopping tool will appear at the bottom or upper right hand corner of your web browser. Once it appears, you can move it to anywhere on your page for your viewing convenience.
This new technology brings about a smarter and faster way to shop. Internet shopping already provides a quick and effective method of shopping. Add the shopping tool and you are bound to obtain better deals and price comparisons from the entire internet, not just Wal Mart online shopping without you having to perform the searches yourself. Simply click on the link below where it says 'MyShoppingGenie'.
See How To Save Even More With Wal Mart Online Shopping
By: David Batchelor
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