Sedation Dentistry: The Solution To Dental Fears
Many people suffer from dental fears, whether it is anxiety or phobia
. A lot of dentists in Chicago believe that these fears hinder people to achieve good oral hygiene and oral health. That is why the development of dentistry has found a better way for people to deal with their fears, and that is through sedation dentistry.
Sedation dentistry is often labeled as sleep dentistry because the premise of the procedure may involve patients feeling a little sleepy or being asleep while dental procedures are being done. However, people should be aware of the slight difference between the two.
Sedation dentistry does not put a patient to full sleep. It only calms the nerves of the patients. On the other hand, sleep dentistry uses a different anesthesia used for the procedure, causing the patient to fall asleep. Sleep dentistry is only prescribed to patients who suffer from severe dental fear and need to endure sensitive dental procedures.
There are two common methods of implementing
sedation dentistry. Chicago dental clinics acknowledge them as oral conscious sedation and inhalation sedation. Oral conscious sedation may require patients to take pills that will make them feel a little unconscious. However, body functions and breathing will remain normal. Some of the drugs used for oral conscious sedation contain amnesic effect which may cause patients to remember only a little from their dental appointment.
Inhalation sedation, however, is frequently referred to as laughing gas by sedation dentistry. Chicago dentists often recommend this procedure to their patients because of its minimal side effects. The effects wear off immediately after the procedure, allowing patients to resume their normal activities. The medications used for inhalation sedation are nitrous oxide and oxygen. Because of the popularity of
sedation dentistry, Chicago dental experts believe that it helps many dental practitioners to perform complex dental procedures without being interfered by the anxiety of their patients. Because it leaves many patients relaxed or unconscious, it also assures painless procedures because patients are more likely numb.
Nevertheless, in implementing
sedation dentistry, Chicago dental experts believe that trust is significant in the success of the procedure. That is why many dental experts suggest that patients look for trained dentists to implement sedation.
by: Joel Jackson
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