Everybody wants to make extra cash these days. If you are a photographer remember that pictures can make you some money. As the Internet became popular, it has become very easy to earn money even at the comforts of your home including selling photos online to stock photo websites.
But to actually earn money by selling photos online, one must be able to reply to these questions: Are you a photographer willing to spend good amount of time to learn how to create good photos that will sell online? Do you have a good digital camera? Would you spend money to invest on high quality digital camera and photo equipment? Are you able to take good photos around you? Will you have friends or relatives to help you by being your models and sign model release forms if necessary? Would you be able to edit photos and use editing software such as Photoshop and learn if necessary? Would you be able to come up with good keywords to best describe your photos that you plan to sell online? Do you handle rejection well?
If you are able to answer yes to most of the questions above, the possibility of becoming a good stock photographer and to successfully sell photos online is great. You may be able to turn your photography hobby into a money making business online.
Here are some tips to get you started.
Choose the right subject. Remember you are to sell photos online, what you need to keep in mind is always the buyers of stock images and think of something they would buy online. What it means is that you can't take photos of just any subject you want and expect stock photo buyers to pay money for it. The stock photo websites have all these images already. You may opt to take seasonal photos as they are always big sellers.
Do a research on these stock photo websites and check which images make the most money online.
Before you upload the image, be sure that it is in JPEG and with the highest possible resolution. Avoid resizing the image.
Check if there are trademarks on the photo and remove them if possible. If there are identifiable person on the image, remember to add a signed model release which is necessary before the stock photo agency approves your image you plan to sell online.
Follow these tips on how tosell photos online and you will be able to make some extra money on your photography hobby and even buy that dream digital camera you have been dreaming about.