Secret of Successful and Happy Life

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Secret of Successful and Happy Life
Nowadays money and fame is much important for everybody. Everybody is running after it but everybody cant convert himself into a billionaire or celebrity or great politician. Very few people in this world made their names. they are less then 0.01% of total population of the world. They did something which other can not. They are successful because they define their goal and they were after it till they achieve it. Other are fail to do so or there goals are not that enough big as world remember it for a long time. So what about these other people?
No doubt they made their names, they got incredible success in their life, just think of everybody wants to be president then what will happen? And what will happen when all country did their best to be that? So life is not just grand success, its just live happily in the way you never regret about anything. So live the life in the way you always wanted to, Some time you rise up, sometime you fall back, but what is importance is you live it in such a way even a little bit can't be waste. There are so many good things in this very world, awaiting to be achieved.
Let encourage your self to achieve that goal which make you happy, where your heart smile. Money is always important but if you follow your heart, you will find money too. Some might get it late, some might find it early but surly comes there where happiness and dedication both exist. This is the essence of living a happy life with desire and responsibility. This is what one need to understand.
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