Sciatica pain is a result of the inflammation of sciatic nerve
. It is often indicated by the pain and tenderness felt along the course of the sciatic nerve in the thighs and legs. Many people are easily bothered by this pain. The pain is unique in each individual. Some may only have to rest to ease the pain, while others have to stay in bed or sitting and necessarily need sciatica pain treatment.
The pain typically starts at the buttocks and radiates down the back part of the thighs and to the lower part of the legs. Sometimes, the pain may also radiate into the lower back. The primary cause of this is the herniated lower part of the lumbar intervertebral disk that results in the compression of the nerve roots.
In some cases, sciatica pain is caused by the irritation of some of the branches of the sciatic nerve. It could result into a severe pain due to the reflex reaction involving the entire nerve length. For an instance pinch or irritation near the knees could result into pain in the buttocks or knees.
The primary sciatica pain treatment is rest. It will allow the sciatic nerve inflammation to subside. In order to alleviate the pain, medications such as muscle relaxants and analgesics are prescribed by the doctor. Anesthetic agents can also be injected in the around the spinal column to ease the symptoms. In some cases, a surgical procedure is required.
Physical therapy is also used to relieve pain caused by sciatic nerves. But this type of therapy is done under the supervision of a professional. Improper exercises could just worsen your problems.
Some therapies have advised their patients to overcome ruptured disks symptoms by developing their core muscles. These muscles are the 4 muscle groups which are formed at waist. This will provide a support in the ruptured vertebral disk to keep it in place.
Having enough knowledge about sciatic pain treatment could help you ease your worries. You may choose from various types and forms. In this way, sciatica pain is just a treatment away.