Save Some Money For Holiday Fun

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Save Some Money For Holiday Fun
Do you want to go on vacation. Here are some money saving tips to ensure that you can make the most of your next vacation.It's going to take a lot more than just getting in your car, driving to the airport and flying off to some exotic destination. Do some planning first. First off select the destination that you want to go to. Be realistic and make sure that it will be affordable.Start by listing your options and working out your finances. Do a table on your computer. Down the first column list Travel Costs, Accommodation Costs and Daily Extra's and total at the bottom. Then along the top list your destination choices and fill in the pricing for each one to compare total costs. If you will be traveling with a friend, remember to cut the petrol costs in half.Once you have chosen your vacation, you need to plan how you are going to save towards it. Lets say that the total cost of your vacation amounts to R 3 000.00 and you plan on going in six months time. This means that you are going to have to put away R 500.00 per month. This means that you will have to set yourself a strict budget.Don't be tempted to use your credit card to pay for your holiday, as this will just be an extra headache when you have to pay it back plus interest. A separate holiday account is a good idea, and you will be more likely to save. Next identify where you can save, and I am sure you will be surprised at just how much you will be able to save if you put your mind to it. Here are some of the common ways that most people waste their money.1. Buying coffee each day on your way to work can add up to over R200 a month. 2. Another really expensive habit is smoking. 3. Going out every Friday night for drinks can quickly add up to a lot of cash spent. If you want your dream vacation, you may have to try and limit your nights out.Look at it this way, for every extra R 100.00 you manage to stash, you can do more fun stuff on your vacation, like going sky diving, or hang gliding - all those little things that can make your vacation truly memorable.
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