The economic climate has become somewhat unsettled in many areas all over the world. The cost of living has increased, whereas the average household income has decreased. The result of this is that more people are becoming savvy when it comes to personal budgeting. Holidays can be extremely costly but there are ways that you can save money if you know where to look. Currency cards are become widely popular now that word is being spread of their existence.When you opt to buy your currency on one of the prepaid services, you can save up to ten percent when compared to exchanging your money through the high street or bureau de change. That can be a substantial amount which can be converted into more spending money or simply means you have less to spend out.The internet has made the application process easy by filling in an online form. The only requirements needed are that you open the account with a minimum load of around ten dollars. If you have a bad credit score you will still be allowed to have a card as no credit checks are carried out. This is because there is no lending involved; the money must be on the card for you to use it.Credit and Debit services from most high street banks are now able to be used abroad. However there are higher charges applied to these than the cards which are purely designed for foreign use. All of those small fees quickly add up, and should you use your credit card, you will also have extra fees applied for borrowing on your credit limit.There are prepaid facilities which have zero charges other than the initial exchange rate when loading the card with your chosen currency. Look for ones which allow free cash withdrawals, free transactions and no extra exchange rates applied. This will rapidly save you money compared to using your usual bank card.Even if you decide to use the facility which does have fees, these are normally a lot less than your day to day bank accounts. This system also enables you to keep your money separate, so there is no need to dig into money which is not designed to be used on holiday. If you need to add money onto your prepaid card you can use online banking or the phone.When you book your flights expect to pay a booking fee. You can be relieved of this with at least one of the cards available when booking with a certain airline. This is just another way that this option enables you to stretch your money further.They can also help you feel safer whilst travelling without having to carry around potentially thousands in notes or travellers checks. If you lose the card, a replacement can be sent to you within 24 hours in some cases. Although currency cards are fairly new they have quickly become a very popular choice of holiday makers.