Satellite Trucks

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Satellite Trucks
It is sometime necessary to shoot on location when broadcasting the news or capturing a live event. Whether it is just a one-minute clip or the entire segment that needs to be filmed on site, this is when a satellite uplink truck becomes necessary. All the things you take for granted which are located inside a video production studio need to be mobilized. Different trucks have different capabilities, so make sure you find a video production company that has a truck that fits your needs.
When broadcasting live via satellite or fiber optics, you will need a whole slew of additional equipment. A Ku band uplink truck or a C-band satellite truck will be what broadcasts your event to your medium of choice, whether it is a webcast, cable television, or satellite television. C-band trucks are generally used to transmit longer-format live television like concerts or sporting events. Ku band uplink trucks don't require frequency coordination, so they are now used more frequently. You will also need a generator capable of powering all the lights, cameras, and any audio you will need, but usually this is included with the truck. If you are using an extremely large number of lights, additional generators may be necessary. There are many different sizes of trucks that are available to rent, or if you shoot your live segment through using a video production company, they should have different sized trucks available.
If your subjects are going to be moving around a lot, for instance at a sporting event, you will need a camera support jib, and ideally multiple cameras to shoot the action at all angles. The camera support jib will make it easier for the camera to follow players smoothly, and the multiple angles of the different cameras produce a higher quality experience for the viewer. All of this will be coordinated using the satellite uplink truck.
In order to have the best experience with your broadcast, you should choose a video production company that provides you with state-of-the-art equipment and highly-trained, professional staff.
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