Santa Letters And Making Christmas Special

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Have you ever thought about Santa Letters and how they can brighten up a winter day? When the holiday season gets close it's time to start making plans for special time with your family. The good news is, that special time can be spent in simple ways. Just plan an evening around writing letters to Santa Claus and making a few Christmas craft projects.
If you already have a craft box you're way ahead of the game. If you don't then now's a great time to start one. Just use a plastic tub or container or some sort. Add some construction paper, markers, crayons, glitters, buttons, ribbon, scraps of fabric, some paper, and, well, you probably get the idea. Just start adding whatever you can think of that could be used in craft projects. Once you get your mind around it you will find that there are all kinds of things you can add.
Then, when Christmas approaches and the time is right, plan your Santa letter writing day. Your kids will love you for it! Let them decorate their letters with pictures and stickers and don't forget the glitter. Envelopes have to be decorated too. Kids want to be sure to address those letters to Santa Claus at the North Pole. Of course, you know they will be waiting anxiously for their letters from Santa!
After the letters to Santa are finished you can move on to some of your craft projects. A traditional favorite is magical reindeer food. This is an easy project. Just mix up some oatmeal and glitter. That's it! Another holiday project that many people enjoy is making snowmen out of Styrofoam balls. You might end up with a complete family of them.
The point is, this family time is fun for everyone that participates. The next day you can mail the Santa letters and the waiting begins. The kids will wait anxiously until the mailman brings them their letters from Santa. That's how they'll know they've made Santa's Nice List!
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