Sales 101 by:Sue and Chuck DeFiore
Share: For many individuals in business the hardest part is selling
. For the majority of business owners, the jobs they had before don't prepare them for dealing with selling products. So, this article will deal with some basic tips to help you with sales.
Always be sure to go to the head honcho. Ask to see the person in charge, the individual who makes the decisions. This avoids hearing, "let me ask my supervisor, my boss, etc." Also you project an image of confidence in yourself and your abilities.
Don't be long winded. Remember the KISS principle. Time is a big factor today for all of us and the quicker you get to the point the better. So be sure your sales pitch is short, sweet and to the point. Have 3-5 benefits, don't bore them with all the features. Remember, always to turn features into benefits.
One of the most important things to do, is to listen. Think of yourself as a problem solver. To solve problems you need to know what your prospect needs. So ask them a question and then listen, and I mean really listen. By listening you will be finding out what will make them buy. Listen to what they say and take it in. Be sure to write down the points they are making, don't rely on your memory. This also helps when you are closing the sale because you can refer to each point they made that this is how you can solve this concern. This is how you get sales, by solving their concerns and problems.
When you are making your pitch or answering questions, you also need to be sure to make eye contact with your prospect and to be aware of their body language. Good sales people know when they have lost someone. The prospect eyes glaze over, they don't maintain eye contact with you, they are looking everywhere else, but at you. They readjust themselves, push their chair back, feet on the desk. At this point you need to be able to bring them with back with a question or a different voice pattern. Don't acknowledge you lost them, just get them back on track.
Good sales people can change at a moments notice. Since this is not going to happen to you overnight, always be sure that your presentation is well organized, covers all the basic points, you know it forward and backwards, and you ask for the sale. Initially, you are not going to be able to shift gears at a moments notice, but with practice and experience you eventually will. So that if your client asks a question in the middle of your presentation, or makes an objection, you will be able to answer him and then pick up where you left off. You will also eventually be able to pick up on the silent signals that people give off. So until you hone these skills, always be sure to have a brief outline of your presentation on a index card. Remember, it is always more important to be responsive to your prospect, and talk spontaneously than reverting to your prepared speech. So be sure to prepare. Be careful, though, remember, over preparation can make your presentation sound stale and robotic. Keep it fresh.
For many, the moment a prospect has an objection, they assume the sale is lost. Sometimes they come up with an objection to see how you will handle it. Again, we are back to good listening habits. You need to be able to respond to their objections in a truthful but positive way. Most of the time you will be able to deal with their objections and convince them of the benefits of your product or services. Sometimes however, there will be objections you can't get rid of.
Last, but not least is closing the sale. You should be able to sense when to do so. Remember to be aware of your prospects body language. The impatient tapping of fingers people do. Some people lean forward in anticipation of your completion of your presentation. It is very hard to say exactly when to ask, as it is a very subjective thing. Seasoned sales people will tell you that usually there is a moment, you need to seize the opportunity and close the sale, or it is gone. Eventually after you have done it enough you will be able to recognize when this moment occurs. Eventually you will develop a mental check list of your meeting, that you will go over in your head after you have closed the sale and are saying good-bye or thanks to your prospect. After you have done it enough certain traits or characteristics of your prospects behavior will stay with you and you will know when to seize the opportunity.
Copyright 2004 DeFiore Enterprises
About the author
Sue and Chuck DeFiore
Interested in having your own successful, home based creative real estate investing business? Chuck and Sue have been helping folks start successful home based businesses for over 19 years, and we can help you too! To see how, visit for the latest FREE tips and tricks, educational products and coaching in creative real estate investing and home based businesses. No time to visit the site? Subscribe to our "how to" Home Business Solutions Digest, it's like having your own personal coach. Visit to start today.
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