Safe online shopping

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Safe online shopping
Shopping online is still a rapidly growing business. More and more people are entering their card details online and purchasing goods through various website. Most products can now be purchased online such as gifts, foods, furniture, pharmaceuticals and even houses.
Prices are often cheaper online as the companies don't have the over heads that physical stores do. But how do you know and trust the company that you are handing your personal details over too when you can't meet them or visit their shop? Banks and online payments systems are very secure now a days. They are constantly changing their policy and are up to date with the development of online fraud.
But you also want to check the company itself, make sure the goods will be shipped in good time, the product that you purchased correct and that the company itself will be responsible when handing your goods and personal information.
There are few things to look out for online website to make you feel more confident when purchasing. Ask yourself things such as does the site look trustworthy, is there clear delivery and terms and conditions information? Are contact details easy to find on the site, is there a phone number, email and physical address? Read through customer comments sections if they are available, they could be faked but can help with an overall view of the company. Is the payment information clear, what cards are accepted and how you place an order, or what you are to do if unhappy with the items. If you ever feel unsure you can always call the company and place your order over the phone, speak to the person on the other end and see if you feel confident with them.
Online stores such as have a very clear and informative site, all information is available and contact details are clear.
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