SHOP INSURANCE: Without It, You Could Find Your Tills Stop Ringing
SHOP INSURANCE: Without It, You Could Find Your Tills Stop Ringing
It takes a lot to run a shop successfully. Sadly, it doesn't take so much to shut your once-successful business down. Which is why you need to make sure you've got the right shop insurance in place.
You only need to think about some of the things that could go wrong to see why it is so important.
A fire or a flood might force you to close your doors to customers for a significant period of time. Could you survive that kind of revenue loss?
A customer might slip on a newly-washed floor, injure herself and make a claim against you. Could you afford a hefty compensation payment and the associated legal bills?
A burglary could permanently relieve you of valuable stock. Would your financial resources stretch to replacing it?
A light-fingered employee might not be able to keep his fingers out of the till. Could you sustain that over any length of time?
With the right shop insurance package, you would be covered for all of the above eventualities and more. But what makes up the right' insurance for shops? The precise details will depend on the specific nature of your retail business. No two shops are identical. But typically, you should be covered for:
Public & Products Liability
Employers Liability
Business Interruption
Loss of Money
Personal Assault
Breakage of Glass
Goods In Transit
and the good news is that you can arrange all of the above covers in one place. All you have to do is follow this link to find comprehensive insurance for shops.