Role Of Science Projects In A Kids Life

Share: We see that most schools organize science fairs atleast once a year
. In India where I studied we had only one science fair program per year (and no compulsory participation) whereas in most developed countries science projects are part of school curriculum. In most schools here in India science projects are not given much importance.
Why science projects are important for a kid?
It is not just about understanding a subject or getting a good grade in class, but is more than that. In Indian school curriculums importance is given for theoretical knowledge. As a result students lack knowledge of the practical applications of the theories they learn. They know about chemical formulas and physics theories but most dont have a clue about their application in real life. As a result classes become boring, learning becomes tedious and that is when kids begin to hate school.
Floating an egg in water or erupting a miniature volcano may be of no interest for a grownup, but for a kid it may change his life forever(literally!). When experiencing a science project a kid is exposed to the beauty of the subject he is learning, it inspires him to know more, learn more. He will understand that there is a practical application for everything he learns and he will try to put more of the theories he learn into reality, and that is how new inventions and great scientists are born.
This is not just about learning, this is not just about kids. When a kid is encouraged to try new things he is willing to do the same when he grows up. He will have the courage to try out new markets, new business ventures and follow new ideas. He will be able to find and use new opportunities and become successful in his career. And those kids who never had the chance to explore science? Most of them will be afraid to take up new ventures or follow their dreams.
There are thousands of science projects available in the web. You can simply read them or buy a kit and do the project. But buying a kit isnt exactly encouraging your kid to try something new, right? That will just teach him to resort to short cuts, which is not the real goal of doing a science project. You can encourage your kid to come up with a project idea he likes and help him to execute. You must value his opinions and encourage him to lead, which will help him to lead other people in his future. Remember that participating in a science fair is not about winning a price, but about what your kid will be getting out of it.
Yes, your kids science project does matter.
by: Jason john
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