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Review Of The Martin Yale P6200 Autofolder Letter Folding Machine

Review Of The Martin Yale P6200 Autofolder Letter Folding Machine

If you are folding paper into letters on a daily basis

, even if it is just a few sheets a day, you probably need a letter folding machine like the Martin Yale AutoFolder P6200 from This letter folding machine has been around for years now, has a proven track record and may be the type of machine you may enjoy using in your office. This is my review.

Martin Yale is a well-established company that has been manufacturing paper folding machines, paper cutters, perforators and other paper handling equipment for decades. Their line of office equipment has developed a reputation for being both affordable and reliable. Having used dozens of different Martin Yale machines myself, I can tell you that there is some definite value in their machines.

The Martin Yale P6200 is a paper folding machine. While it does fold paper, I prefer to categorize it as a letter folding machine. This is because it is designed to create one fold and one alone. That is the letter fold, often referred to as C fold. This is the fold type most commonly used when mailing out letters. Paper folded in a letter fold fits nicely into a #9 or a #10 envelope.

So why would you want a machine that only creates a letter fold? For most people out there, especially those who fold the occasional letter right from their desk, a letter fold is all they need. In an effort to save money on manufacturing, and to offer customers a one-function machine, the P6200 was designed to do just that. It folds letters. Those who realize this are plenty happy with this machine. Review Of The Martin Yale P6200 Autofolder Letter Folding Machine

The Martin Yale AutoFolder P6200 is the perfect example of a desktop letter folding machine. It only weighs in at 12 pounds shipped and measures in at 9 3/4" x 13 3/4" x 6 3/8". With this weight and these dimensions, the P6200 can literally be used on any table, desk or countertop. It could even be used on a card table without any problems. Thanks to its light weight, and unobtrusive size, it can easily be picked up and moved around without any strain or effort.

Using this machine is extremely easy. Simply insert your paper into the feed slot and let the machine do the rest. It will automatically pull in the paper. There are no special settings required. The P6200 can pull in up to 3 sheets of 20# paper at a time for multi-sheet feeding, which is pretty nice.

It is important to keep in mind that this is a friction-based folding machine. That means that friction wheels are used to pull paper into the machine and fold it. Glossy or coated paper may cause issues. This is because the friction wheels may potentially slip on the coated surface. While officially this cannot handle glossy paper, you may have some luck, although it is not guaranteed.

I also like to remind people that this is not a high-volume folding machine. It is designed to make off-and-on folding throughout the day easier. It is designed for light-volume use and I would not recommend it for more than a few dozen to perhaps 100 sheets a day. has a great selection of book binders, including wire binders. You will find the Martin Yale P6200 paper folding machine at

by: James I Hill
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Review Of The Martin Yale P6200 Autofolder Letter Folding Machine