Restoring Infected Or Misplaced Teeth With Crowns And Caps

Share: Grinding of your teeth, an improper bite, age
, fillings and tooth decay can all be contributing factors in the wearing down, cracking or breakage of your teeth. Dental caps cover the entire visible surface of your affected tooth and add strength, durability and stability. Crowns are a type of dental restoration which, when cemented into place, fully cup over the portion of a tooth that lies at and above the gum line. In comparison, fillings are dental restorations that fill in or cover over just a portion of a tooth. Since dental crowns encase the entire visible aspect of a tooth these have served as viable tooth restorative elements.
Crowns can be made out of porcelain, metal, or a combination of both. Other terms that are used to refer to dental crowns are dental cap and tooth caps. Crowns are needed so as to restore a tooth to its original position, to strengthen the tooth, to improve the cosmetic appearance of the tooth.
Getting the teeth capped leads just to improve their cosmetic appearance where as dental crowns are used to restore the shape of the tooth or to strengthen the tooth. And porcelain dental crowns are used to improve the cosmetic appearance of the teeth.
Dental crowns are best utilized as a way to improve the cosmetic appearance of a tooth. Crown serves other purposes also, such as restoring a tooth to its original shape, repairing a broken tooth and strengthening a tooth or covering over a tooth that has a very large filling.
Tooth cap procedure
Stockton cosmetic dentist will make an impression of your tooth and a dental laboratory will create the needed custom cap. You will typically leave the office with a temporary cap to wear while the permanent cap is being made - this takes about a few days. The permanent cap is then cemented onto your tooth. Typically, only two visits are required for this part of the procedure. Often, a preliminary restoration of your tooth may be needed before the permanent cap is actually placed.
It is important to discuss with your cosmetic dentist that the cement color used for your permanent cap will be the same as used for the temporary cap. In some cases your Stockton cosmetic dentist may choose to use a Flipper instead of a temporary cap. A Flipper is a false tooth to temporarily take the place before the permanent crown is placed. A Flipper can be attached via either a wire or a plastic piece that fits in the roof of your mouth. Flippers are meant to be a temporary solution while awaiting the permanent cap.
Crown procedure
First of all
Stockton cosmetic dentists will anesthetize your tooth, After that he will shape your teeth, and also make an impression of your tooth, then he will make a temporary dental crown for your tooth, then he will select the proper porcelain shade that is needed for your dental crown and finally in the second dental crown appointment he will cement your permanent crown in place.
For getting dental caps and crowns you must visit to a well experienced and qualified cosmetic dentist i.e. Stockton cosmetic dentists, who will follow a best procedure for providing your tooth caps and crowns. Now if you want to have caps or crown treatment then you must visit at that will provide you a listing of best, qualified and experienced cosmetic dentists in the area of Stockton.
by: Sandra Ray.
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