If your child is learning French as a Foreign language at school or at home there are a number of useful and fun resources available that may help them take more of an interest and succeed in this difficult second language.
Resources such as children's picture books, music and comics all presented in French language are ways of connecting the foreignness of a second language to kids and the world they live in.
A great place to start is with the 1000 First Words in French Pack from Usborne. Traditionally you can find this great resource as a book but in there is also a pack format available that includes a CD with all the words pronounced by a native French speaker as well as flash cards to help with recognition and a whole range of stickers that you can affix around your house. As the idea of the book is to identify common household items around you and say them in French, affixing the stickers to things around the house is a great way to help children remember these objects in French.
The second resource is comics. Kids love comics and if you peruse websites like the UK version of Amazon, then you will find that they offer comics in French. For early learners titles like Yakari and Garfield are the best places to start as they offer few words on each page. Don't go for titles like Tintin just yet as the level of vocabulary required is quite high.
The third resource is music. For kids, learning nursery rhymes is a piece of cake and if you have a CD playing with familiar sounding nursery rhymes sung in French then they will pick up the new words quickly. Nursery rhymes are ideal because they are catchy and repetitive, wonderful as a way to enjoy learning another language.
These resources are just a few of many resources available to help kids get into learning French and I hope you find many more that work for you.