Recommendations for Starting a Compost Pile This Autumn
Recommendations for Starting a Compost Pile This Autumn
Fall is a great time for starting a compost pile. You have lots and lots of materials accessible from leaves and other garden waste to commence with from doing your fall backyard cleanup. All that great organic matter will give your compost pile an incredible start and you'll be keeping it out of the landfill, a win/win scenario!
Staring a compost pile in the fall will give it all fall and winter to "cook" unattended and be ready for you to turn and sift in time for waking your yard up in the spring. Here are some guidelines to obtain you started:
Use a base of woody stems such as tomato vines or sunflowers to provide your pile a supportive base.
Dampen each layer to the consistency of a wrung out sponge as you develop it.
Alternate layers of leaves and grass clippings with layers that won't "mat" down or clump up like a layer of squash vines.
Have access to manure? Some manure mixed in your layers can be a super compost booster.
Comfrey, an herb with large flat leaves grown for skin issues and bone and joint healing properties, is one of the few plants known to assist in breaking down plant matter in a compost pile.
Build a fall compost pile in an empty raised bed to give your new bed a head begin in the spring. Cover it with black plastic for the winter to trap heat and encourage decay.
If you collect leaves from neighbors check to be positive they haven't been sprayed with chemicals.
These are just a number of ideas to get your brain working and to encourage you to use those leaves and backyard trimmings in a way that's excellent for both your garden along with the environment. Starting a compost pile is an straightforward way to do wonderful things for your garden that doesn't will need to be complicated. Remember, compost may be as simple as pile and forget, its going to rot with or without you!