Recession Proof Home Business Of 21s Century!

Share: Many of us are smitten by the lure of online marketing
. Everyday, we get tons of emails from different gurus full of tips about how to get FREE TRAFFIC and make tons of money online.
Now, there are many gurus who have build huge lists something like 50,000 to 100,000 that they keep on mailing about the wonderful things that are taking shaping online. Recently FTC also started to take interest with its new ruling about the MATERIAL INTEREST DISCLOSURE STATEMENT. But still the lure of affiliate marketing and internet marketing continues and is perpetuated by the internet marketing gurus who want the newbies to buy everything that have to offer. FREE TRAFFIC is the buzz now. You need to learn how to get FREE TRAFFIC from the search engines. There is no other place except the search engines that can give targeted free traffic. No guru will ever tell a newbie, how time consuming search engine optimization is. How competitive it is. And ofcourse, it is not free. You have to spend a lot to get the required resources that are needed in it. After comes the harping about the GOOGLE ADWORDS magic. This is some magic that can make you rich by sending you tons of targeted trafffic. Not free this time but paid. Recently GOOGLE banned the ADWORDS ACCOUNTS of thousands of advertisers. Those people have been using GOOGLE ADWORDS for years. GOOGLE is no doubt drunk with power some would say. I don't know. Who is drunk? But GOOGLE ADWORDS was anyway no longer simple system. It was something that become more and more technical and complex with the passage of time. First came the QUALITY SCORE than came the GOOGLE SLAP. Then came the SECOND GOOGLE SLAP and now has come the complete BANNING of accounts. End of internet marketing for many as GOOGLE is still the king. You cannot make the king happy. Even for those who are not banned, the danger lurks that anytime they might also get BANNED.
Let's talk about SEO. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is a highly complex and time consuming work that is impossible for a newbie to master in just a matter of one or two days. There is a opportunity cost of countless hours that is required in doing it. Search engines are highly unpredictable beasts. You website can get ranked on the top three positions on a high traffic keyword. But you never know for how long. One day, one week, one month, months, noone knows only GOOGLE god knows.
In the same way, LIST BUILDING is not an easy thing. It takes mastering many skills to build a huge list. It is difficult to get an optin rate of more than 30-40% but many gurus will tell you they consistently achieve optin rates of more than 60-70%. They never talk about the amount of unsubscibers. But the stories of the riches being made on the internet abound enticing newbies on the bandwagon. These newbies are expected to buy one new internet marketing product everyday so that they can master how to make money online. Soon they get sorrounded by so many gurus and so many offers that they don't know what is true and what is wrong. Something known as INFORMATION OVERLOAD.
Internet marketing is no more easy. It costs money and the success rate is as low as ever. Only 5% succeed in making a decent living. I am not trying to discourage you. I do internet marketing and make a successful living. But overtime, I learend the value of diversification and avoiding the mistake of putting all the eggs in one basket.
I give you very sincere advice. Learn currency trading. Currency markets are huge. So huge that even if you add all the stock markets in the world and multiple that with ten, still currency markets are bigger. Currency trading is no more difficult.
In the last few years, currency markets have evolved. There are no automated trading systems known as ROBOTS that are bign sued by novices or what you call newbies to make money from the comfort of their homes trading currencies. FOREX ROBOT is just like a black box. If you sue the MEDIA PLAYER to watch a video online, you are never bothered about what is happening inside the MEDIA PLAYER. A FOREX ROBOT also behaves in the same way. It is programmed, You have to just install it on your account and leave the rest to it. It will make money for you while you sleep. Currency trading is going to make many millionaires in this decade that has just started and is only a few days old. So lot of time is left. You too can become one of them. Trust me, this is the best time for currency trading!
by: Ahmad Hassam
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