Reasons To Take A Road Trip by:George Hutton

Share: There's nothing like hitting the open road for a few hours
, or a few days, to increase your appreciation for the land around you. If you've ever taken a road trip, then you know what an experience it can be. It's a great way to either leave all your problems behind, or make your destination that much more attractive. If you've never taken a road trip before, then this article is for you. I'll give you a few good situations when a road trip can be the ideal activity.
First of all, if you happen to live in an area where outdoor activity is severely limited by harsh winter conditions, then a spring road trip can be a great way to symbolically celebrate he return of the warm weather. New plants are growing, there is new activity in the towns around you, and everybody is eager to get out of the house and back into action. Like a bear coming out of hibernation after long winter, a spring road trip can be a great way to stretch your proverbial legs.
Another great time for a road trip is when you are going through, or have just gone through, a significant life milestone, or a particularly difficult experience. College graduation, leaving one career and starting another one, or even a particularly difficult breakup, separation, or divorce can be a great opportunity to hit the road for an extended time to prepare yourself mentally for the new chapter in your life.
Going to an event that you really would rather not go to is another great excuse for a road trip. A wedding of some distant relative that you are obligated to attend, or some kind of business function that you just can't get out of are two great excuses that can turn a mundane event into a wonderful adventure. Taking a few days to get somewhere has a strange tendency to make the event seem more important, and more valuable in your mind, so you'll likely get much more out of the experience when you take a day or two getting there.
Relocation is another great reason to take an extended driving trip. Whether it's because of a job change, or simply because you're moving up in the world, taking some off between places of residence is a good way to clear your mind and prepare yourself for your new digs. Particularly if you have kids, moving from one house to another is made smoother by taking a few days in between.
Naturally, these simple ideas are just the tip of the ice berg. Once you take a few road trips, you'll start coming up with all sorts of creative reasons to get out on the road. You'll experience the timeless feeling of freedom and self determination that can enhance your life in many ways.
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