Realistic Expectations For Holiday Planning
Share: When planning out any holiday, its very important that your expectations of the activities are actually realistic
. This is especially true during the upcoming holiday season, when everyone wants a piece of your familys attention for themselves.
This is where the all too frequent question asked in school Why do I need math as a grown-up? comes in. If youre supposed to be eating at Grandmas at 1pm, but Aunt Helen and Uncle Jim are supposed to be arriving for dinner at 4pm, are you really giving yourself enough time to get everything done, without cutting things short?
Have you planned for unexpected drop-in visitors to your own home? Can you realistically have brunch with the kids at home on Christmas morning and still make it for dinner at Aunt Fays (who happens to live 2 hours away, and it was just announced on the weather to expect snow again)?
Write out each and every plan you have going for the holiday season. Include travel time, the amount of time you expect to stay and visit, what meals youll be eating, clean-up timeeverything! Then start counting the hours.
Remember, no matter where you live on the planet, there are only 24 hours in a day. If your plans add up to more than that, youve already got trouble. Not to mention the important factor of getting some sleep sometime between December 23rd and January 2nd.
Also, even if you have teenagers, expecting them to eat four holiday dinners in one day, every day for a week might be a bit much. If neither of these problems seem apparent on your list, congratulate yourself! Youre one of the lucky ones.
Its ok to cut back on trips. Consider having those people over for a buffet-style dinner at your home instead. Not every pie or cake needs to be homemade. Why not go potluck and have each family member bring something to go on the buffet table, saving you some precious time and energy?
Planning holiday activities can be done. Besides, its the holiday season for you too!
by: Allen Hiles
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