Quick And Easy Baby Shower Ideas

Share: Quick! Grab the guest list and follow this foolproof plan for the fastest
, easier baby shower ever. Anyone can plan a quick and easy baby shower in just one afternoon.
Baby showers are gifting parties with three main components: ambiance, food, and games. Any one of these single elements can be as simple or as involved as the baby shower host would like them to be, and fortunately of the best baby shower parties are the simplest. Anyone can plan and pull together a fun and memorable baby shower in less than an afternoon by using these streamlining tips:
Tip #1: Use Electronic Baby Shower Invitations
Tip #2: Simplify the Baby Shower Decorations

Share: Baby shower decorations needn't be elaborate. Guests will supply heaps of colorfully wrapped gifts which will add a festive (and decorative!) mood. All that really needs attention is the food table; this can be easily decorated with a colorful tablecloth (plastic is fine) and matching tableware (disposable tableware is ideal for fast clean-up). All of the necessary tableware can be purchased inexpensively through dollar stores and discount retailers.
For a finishing touch add a centerpiece: a sitting-up baby doll, a bouquet of balloons tied to a stuffed animal, a beanbag-style stuffed animal tied to a plant with a colorful ribbon, or even a picture frame (a gift for the new baby) wrapped in ribbons works nicely as a centerpiece.
Tip #3: Create Simple and Colorful Baby Shower Favors
Baby shower favors, those little gifts given to the guests, needn't be expensive or elaborate. Baby shower favors can be as simple as little paper cups filled with an assorted mints and candies or small plastic baby carriages (found at most party supply stores) stuffed with pretty pastel colored Jordan almonds.
Other baby shower favor ideas include: jelly beans in a tiny basket (easily found at craft stores), organza drawstring bags (which can be purchased at party stores) filled with gumballs or other brightly colored candy, or even baby (trial sized) body lotion adorned with ribbons will make good baby shower favors.
Tip #4: Use a Baby Theme for Baby Shower Food
The simplest baby shower food theme is the most obvious: baby! Frozen mini quiches often served as appetizers become baby quiche, frozen mini pizza bagel snacks are baby bagels, baby carrots, baby corn (the kind found in Asian cuisine) and pea pods (which are really baby peas) can be served with vegetable dip. For dessert? Store-bought miniature muffins or cupcakes become baby cakes. Anything cut into very small pieces (sandwiches, brownies, baby baklava, anyone?) can work with this baby shower theme menu.
Tip #5: One-Stop Baby Shower Games Online
An ample selection of quick and easy baby shower games can be found super fast at BabyShowerCentral.com, a website that offers over 200 free baby shower games including: printable baby shower games, action games, quiet games, door prize games, and Bible/religious theme baby shower games. One quick visit to fetch three or four games is all that any baby shower planner needs to do.
Planning a baby shower can be a fun and exciting experience, even if there isn't much time to put it together. Keeping things simple makes baby shower planning and hosting more affordable, enjoyable and relaxing for everyone involved.
by: raikkonen
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