Children are very vulnerable to different diseases that their health is the utmost concern of their parents
. As such, monitoring their health every now and then is important especially if they already have some complications like asthma. Although asthma is a disease not only kids can suffer from, it can be very detrimental on the kid's life if ignored.
In order to help your kid live a healthy and normal life, monitoring his health is essential. You can do this by having tools essential in monitoring his health. One of which is the pulse oximeter. This device is a tool that measures the oxygen in the blood of a person and the pulse rate as well in just a matter of seconds.
The good thing about this device is that the parents can bring this small device so they can monitor their child's blood oxygen saturation wherever they may be. They can just put this on the kid's finger for a few seconds to determine the SpO2 levels and when if it is at normal rate, then they can stop worrying or they can immediately call the doctor's attention if he needs supplemental oxygen.
The main difference between the pediatric pulse oximeter devices from the other devices is that this is especially made for children. The other type is the adult oximeter device that is bigger than the pediatric pulse oximeter. The difference is that the size of the finger is smaller because in order for oximeters to function well, the finger must be fitted perfectly to the device. If not, then there will be errors in the measurement.
The advantage of these oximeters is that they are so small they can fit in your pocket; it's perfect for kids; it's also more affordable than bringing your kid every now and then to the doctor to have his blood oxygen levels checked.
If you want pediatric pulse oximeter for your kid, you can buy online. There are many oximeters available today in different sites. Look for FDA approved oximeters and check the terms and conditions and find user-friendly pediatric oximeters before buying them.