Publishing Articles During The Holiday Season Produces Results

Share: It's the season to be busy, especially if you're promoting affiliate programs
. With the Christmas rush comes a host of marketing initiatives you need to consider as an affiliate marketer. At the top of your marketing wish list should be article writing.
Articles are an excellent vehicle for getting your message to your target audience. No doubt, many of them are scouring the Internet looking for useful articles, reports and such. Looking to make quality gift choices, they need quality information to help them accomplish this goal.
That's where you come in with quality content writing. Articles are a way to educate your readers while building your reputation as an authority in your field. What's great is you can use your articles at Christmas, and at any other time, in a host of ways. Here's a few ways to use the articles you write:
As Blog Posts on Your Blogs

Share: Blogs are good platforms for your content writing. You encourage linking from your blog to your website or affiliate parent with regular informative posts. Readers look forward to useful information and tend to frequent blogs that provide it.
Consider posting your short articles as blog posts. If you feel your articles are too long for your blog, break them up. Spread out an article over three blog posts. You get the same excellent information to your readers, just in smaller snippets. It's a way to keep your blog fresh with new information.
As Content for Your Own Website
Make your website a hub of useful content by posting some of your articles on it. A website can house many articles of many lengths. Readers look to blogs for quick daily or weekly updates. On websites, they often spend more time reading more in-depth information.
As a content producer, take advantage of your own website. View it as a way to establish your credibility and build trust with those you seek to convert to customers. Don't make your website just a "hard sell" portal. Consistently provide visitors to your site timely, relevant information. This encourages them to come back for more. Sales do result when they regularly return.
As Content for Your Newsletter
Do you struggle to come up with newsletter content each month? Use some of your articles as content. You already know how to write articles that deliver on your website. Now use them, or portions thereof, in your newsletter. A good newsletter is one that offers up-to-date information that addresses your readers concerns.
A newsletter promoting affiliate programs and products should not be blatant sales hype. Yes, you can use a newsletter in the right way to promote your products and such. However, these newsletters must be a cornucopia of valuable information. If they are just sales letters, your list will soon catch on and unsubscribe.
As Content for a Christmas Article Campaign
You still have time to distribute your articles as part of a Christmas article campaign. Pick out affiliate products you promote best suited to the holiday shopping season. Write articles associated with them. These could be product comparison articles, or a review of a handful of products.
You can write articles that allude to your products without specifically naming them. These articles focus on topics related to your affiliate products. An example is an article on the world's best golf resorts. This relates to the golf clubs you're promoting as an affiliate marketer.
Of course, you must have an article marketing strategy for your Christmas article campaign. This means choosing an article submission service whose mission is promoting quality content writing.
The best article submission site will distribute your articles according to your schedule. They do this through their article marketing automation mechanism. This allows you to schedule content distribution up to a year in advance.

Share: You can sit back and enjoy the holiday season upon submitting and scheduling your articles in the next week. The article submission service works for you while you're engaging in holiday shopping and enjoying Christmas cuisine thereafter.
In addition, a quality content distribution service allows you to submit articles from anywhere. They don't require article submission software. You just sign into their site as a member and start your content distribution. You do this from wherever you are and at any time of the day.
Yes, it's the busy holiday season. It's time to get busy starting, or finishing an already started, article series. Buckle down, get them finished, and then submit your articles to a quality content distribution service. Publishing articles today through article marketing helps garner you the holiday season traffic you desire.
by: Carol Palmatier
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