A lot of people are struggling right now to pay their monthly bills, as well as well as hold on to their homes. Filing for bankruptcy may be an option you want to take if you are ever looking at losing your home. However, you have to be very careful about what business you are doing business with. Not all companies are out there to help you. A lot of them operate for the sole purpose of scamming you. If you're considering any kind of loan modification, make sure that it's from a credible Loan Modification company.
It is easier to get scammed by one of these companies than you think. One of the methods they use for scamming is called a Bait-and -switch. This happens when a company tells a person who maybe in debit to sign documents that will make existing documents current. Although hidden deeply in the fine print is actually words that transfer your homes title over to the scammer.
Another terrible scam companies will run is a rent-to-own. When this happens you sign over the title of your home to the company and move in as a renter with the understanding you will buy it back from the company through the rent paid. This is not what happens. When the company drew up the pages they drew it up knowing that they would never intend to give you your home back. They might also mark the rent up so high that you cannot pay it and you will eventually be evicted. The company will now own your home.
Fake counseling services are often very common; however, there are some clear red flags that will keep you from falling for this. This fake "service agency" will propose that they contact your lender and negotiate keeping your home. A huge red flag is that they will ask you not to tell anyone else about this or contact your lender; this will always come with a fee. Also the company will tell you to pay your mortgage through them and not the lender. Beware! They could be stealing your money and disappear after a while.
There are also a lot of fake government programs out there. Spotting these can be hard because even their website may look official. The trick to this scam is the "government program" will ask you for a fee up front in order to apply for your loan. Talk to your lender who will know if you eligible for a loan or not.
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Protect Yourself From Loan Modification Scams New York City