Protect Your Future Finances By Investing In An Extended Auto Warranty
Share: Most new cards come with a warranty, with an extended auto warranty as an option
. The problem is that if the car is in an accident that requires repair to major parts of the car such as the transmission or the engine, you may be required to expend a great sum of money.
If you have seen auto commercials on TV, you may have noticed their reference to "powertrain" protection. This is an extended warranty that covers the major parts of the car such as those mentioned earlier.
While there are a number of extended auto warranties available, you have to read the fine print to determine what is covered. They may state what is included, but it is important to ascertain what isn't included. This is where an extended auto warranty comes into play.
Experts suggest that after purchasing a new car that you buy into an extended auto warranty at the outset. Others assert that an extended warranty for auto can only be purchases after the first 12,000 miles.
Considering that most retail auto dealers offer a traditional warranty of 100,000 miles or 10 years, whichever comes first, you may agree that having an extended auto warranty such as bumper to bumper or the powertrain offers additional protection.
It should also be noted that you should fully understand the traditional warranties offered as well as any extended auto warranty before purchase. This is true whether you purchase the warranty from the auto dealer or from an outside source. No two warranties are alike and, therefore, it is necessary to research all of the warranties available and which one best meets your needs.
You have made a large investment in a new car, and having the best possible coverage is essential particularly as it pertains to major parts of the car. While there are some unscrupulous dealers or private companies that claim to offer extended auto warranties that cover the essentials,
With the economy in a state of flux, it may seem that purchasing an extended auto warranty may be for naught; that the extra money could be spent on more important things. This may be true however, you have to take into consideration that there may be an accident, or you may have to pay for repairs later on that can be quite expensive, or the cost of fixing your car may be so outrageously expensive it puts you in a bind financially.
Having an extended auto warranty alleviates some of the financial worry that you would incur had you not purchased the warranty.
by: George Daisy
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Protect Your Future Finances By Investing In An Extended Auto Warranty Amsterdam