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Properties of the Amino Acid Lysine - Herpes Treatment

Properties of the Amino Acid Lysine - Herpes Treatment

L-Lysine is an essential amino acid and therefore we have to get it through food.

Among the properties of lysine include:

* Help the growth of children and young people as it can increase, along the amino acid arginine, the production of growth hormone. It also assists in the growth and participates in muscle development, absorption of calcium and the production of hormones, enzymes and antibodies.

* The Lysine must be taken into account in cases of osteoporosis because it helps (along with vitamin C) to produce collagen and thus the absorption of calcium. Collagen is also essential for the health of the teeth, ligaments, cartilage, skin, etc.

* According to Dr. Mathias Rath and Linus Pauling Lysine (along with vitamin C) can help prevent or avoid the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, responsible for many cardiovascular problems such as arteriosclerosis.

* Help to synthesize, along with methionine, the amino acid carnitine.

* One of the best-known properties of the amino acid Lysine is effective in preventing and combating the effects of herpes simplex (such as cold sores) This amino acid lysine, according to some studies, "starve" the virus responsible for herpes and helps prevent or mitigate their occurrence. Instead Arginine is an amino acid that we should avoid because it seems to "feed" or facilitate its occurrence. Would avoid eating foods high in arginine (almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, peanuts or peanut, nuts, coconut, sesame, hazelnut, wheat germ, chocolate and gelatin)

Food Sources of the amino acid lysine

Lysine-rich foods are mainly yeast, seaweed, soy, potatoes, eggs, fish (cod and sardines) and dairy (yogurt, cheese, milk, kefir ...)

It is very abundant in legumes (lentils, soy or soybeans, chickpeas, beans or beans, lupins, etc.) And minor in cereals. That's why almost every basic diet is usually always with a cereal mixed with a legume (maize and beans, rice with lentils, etc..).

Did you know that lysine ...?

It is available in pharmacies and herbalists. It is important to use amino acid Lysine thirty minutes before or two hours after meals to make it more effective. The dose depends on each case and will be the doctor or specialist who will advise the appropriate dose.

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Properties of the Amino Acid Lysine - Herpes Treatment Seattle