If youre one of the many that suffer from loose skin under the chin and around the neck or your trying to prevent loose skin than there are a number of exercises you can do every day to start seeing a significant change in your skin. Having a daily skin care routine, including facial and neck exercises greatly reduces your chances for loose skin and wrinkles. One of the first exercises you should do is when you wake up in the morning. Start by standing tall and rotate your head slowly clockwise about ten to fifteen times and then go counter clockwise. Doing this every morning helps to strengthen the muscles surrounding the neck, as well as relieving any tension from the night's rest. Do this next necksercise whenever you have a second at work, school, or just whenever youre lounging around the house. Sit comfortably and look up at the ceiling, or if youre feeling sentimental the stars and move your chin up, until you start to feel the skin under your chin stretch. After doing this for a minute or two you will feel a significant tightening in the skin around your neck. This is one of the best necksercises there is. This one is kind of hard to explain, but I'll give it the best I got. Look in the mirror and move your bottom lip to down so that the neck skin becomes stretched. You should start to see "flaps" where the skin is being stretched. Another good necksercise is to tie a piece of rope to a one or two pound weight and hold the other end of the rope with your teeth. Move your head up and down slowly for as many times as you can before it becomes uncomfortable. All of these necksercises can be done in order to alleviate some of the signs of aging around the neck and face. Be careful not to overdo it. The bones in the neck are very fragile and are easily damaged. Doing these exercises in conjunction with a quality all natural neck cream will help to prevent and treat any sort of loose skin or wrinkles around the neck, chin and lower part of your face.About the Author: