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Prevent Manufacture Of Counterfeit Automotive Parts

Prevent Manufacture Of Counterfeit Automotive Parts

Trendy and comfortable automobiles for families

, chic sports cars for the uber-rich, and a whole range of options are available in the automotive market. The models, price range and features are endless. But when parts need to be replaced in these cars how many people are actually buying a genuine product? Over the years there has been a huge increase in counterfeiting in automotive parts and accessories. People browse online auctions to check if they can get good deals at an affordable rate and they are not disappointed thanks to the counterfeiters. This is due to increased demand for new brands of cars that are available today. This has increased the demand for auto accessories and parts and has led to availability of counterfeit parts.

Innocent people die due to the sale of fake auto parts that are inferior in quality. As per the statistics revealed by the International Authentication Association the US auto industry encountered a loss of $3 billion and $12 billion worldwide. The stats further states that 20% of the auto parts in Middle East and 37% in India are not original. The cause of 36,000 fatalities and 1.5 million accidents in the US can be attributed to the manufacture and sale of duplicate parts. The figures are too high to turn a blind eye to this extremely fatal risk.

Counterfeiting has become a part of our lives but we cannot tolerate compromises that will only bear deadly results. On one hand your customers lives are at risk and on the other your business also gets affected. Pre-emptive measures need to be taken to stop these illegal activities. There are a number of anti-counterfeiting solutions that can help you save your business with intuitive brand protection strategies.

The solution provides you with the listings of auto parts and detailed information collected from auction sites, franchises and large distribution websites, email based forums with a collection of buy and sell listings, independent and gray market websites, B2C and B2B sites, trade boards, blogs and chats.Prevent Manufacture Of Counterfeit Automotive Parts

All data is provided in a comprehensive manner that helps you analyze the evidence and be aware of the operations that take place between the counterfeiting companies and their partners. The solution provides you specific information about the parts that are being duplicated and the discounts that are being offered in the market.

Due to its advanced features these anti counterfeiting solutions are capable of identifying the violators even when the listings go on and off on the web. Suspects are prioritized and ranked depending on the risk index and you can take immediate actions against them and save your business before it is too late.

As soon as the counterfeiters are detected the solution can generate cease and desist letters and help in shutting down the auctions without wasting any time. The anti-counterfeiting solution deploys automated and intelligent processes that not only facilitates convincing online fraud detection but also helps prevent internet fraud effectively. It provides compelling brand protection solutions that saves your business from expensive losses and also prevents the loss of precious lives.

by: Gladeyas
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