Prepare For Dental Emergencies During The Holidays

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It is that time of year again when families get together to celebrate the holidays, or even travel out of the country for an enjoyable vacation. Your flights are booked and hotel reservations are made, but what else are you missing? Many travelers do not think about preparing themselves for dental care while they are traveling, but what should you do if you get a toothache or crack a filling?In case of a dental emergency, it is important to know what to look for when seeking dental care in another country. This can help you avoid unnecessary risks and to be confident with the care you may need to receive. Trauma to your mouth and teeth may be reduced if action is taken as soon as your injury occurs. By following proper guidelines and care, your pain can lessen, speeding the healing process and even saving your tooth following a dental emergency. Find Safe Dental Care AbroadNo one wants to have their trip ruined by a toothache, so to minimize your risk of a dental emergency while on vacation, visit your Los Angeles dentist for a check-up before you leave for travel. Schedule your appointment in advance to allow for enough time to complete any necessary dental work needed before your departure date. It is always important to be well prepared for your trip and a dental check-up will help. Before you leave on your trip, tend to any decayed teeth, broken fillings, and other dental problems. Make sure you inform your dentist of your travel plans and ask about any other potential dental issues that may occur while out of the country. Have your teeth cleaned by your dentist, especially if you have periodontal disease. Your Child's Tooth Takes a BeatingWhat do you do if your child bumps his or her tooth, but does not completely knock it out while playing during the holidays? Call your Beverly Hills dentist and inform them of the emergency. Your dentist may suggest that you bring your child in for an x-ray to determine whether damage has been done to a nerve or to a secondary tooth.If your child's baby tooth has been knocked out completely, you should call your dentist immediately for an emergency appointment. It is vital to get him or her to the dentist within 30 minutes or less of the accident in order for it to be possible to successfully replant their tooth. When possible, gently place the tooth back in its socket as a means of transportation; otherwise place it in milk, salt water or saliva to cover the tooth. Whether you are traveling out of the country or staying home for the holidays, it is important to always be prepared for a dental emergency. Sometimes it is a matter of minutes before your tooth is unable to be fixed. Remain calm and call your Beverly Hills dentist for more guidelines on what to do with your dental emergency.
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