Premature Greying Gets Worst With Malnutrition And Unhealthy Lifestyle
If you start seeing grey strands before 30 years of age then you are suffering from premature greying
. Premature greying can be due to many reasons.
It very much depends on the kind of genes that one carries and therefore if there is a family history of premature greying in the family then you are bound to get affected with the same problem.
The other two factors which are also known to cause premature greying or aggravate already existing grey strands are the kind of diet that you follow and the kind of lifestyle you live. As both of these are pretty much in your hands it is very important that you follow a good diet as well as a good lifestyle so that you look young till eternity as greying can be a sign of aging but definitely not of wisdom.
To start with we will first start with the kind of diet that one has to follow to prevent premature greying.
Diet plays a very important role as far as the greying is concerned. After all hair is all about what you eat and therefore it is really important to have a good diet full of proteins and minerals. Iron, copper and iodine are very important minerals as they play a great role in giving the hair its color. One should also have a diet which is rich in vitamins as they play a great role in the absorption of the nutrients in the body.
So if you have started with premature greying the first thing you should do is check your hemoglobin levels. If you are pure vegetarian since childhood then you should also check on your vitamin B12 levels as vit B12 is only available in the non vegetarian food stuffs which is a reason why it is generally found deficient in the strict vegetarians.
Also try to have anti-oxidants in your diet as it helps in getting rid of the toxins which is of great harm to the body and some of the toxins are also known to aggravate the problem of grey strands.
Stressful lifestyle is also one of the factors which aggravate the premature greying problem in one and therefore one should make sure to stay destressed as far as possible. Physical and mental stress can aggravate premature greying in one therefore one should not only stay healthy physically but also mentally. Following a healthy lifestyle will surely prove to be of great help to them.