Positive Ways To Find The Cheapest Car Insurance
Share: Everyone who owns a car wants to find affordable car insurance and who can blame
them really considering that we're all feeling the pinch nowadays as far as our finances are concerned.
Type of Cover:
When it comes to finding the cheapest car insurance, there are several factors which will determine just how much you end up paying for cover. The first thing is the type of cover you're looking for. For example, if you drive a new or relatively new car then you'll more than likely want fully comprehensive cover.
While this may be the most expensive option, it does also provide you with the most amount of protection. On the other hand, if you're driving around in an old banger then maybe you'll be able to make do with third party, fire and theft cover. This is your cheapest option, but the amount of cover provided is rather limited, in that you'll only be covered against fire, theft and damage to the third party in the event of an accident. In other words, your insurance company won't pay for any damage to your own vehicle if you're involved in a collision.
Shopping Around:
Once you've decided on the type of cover you want, then it's time to start shopping around. Now, this is something you can do either by visiting a few companies in person, or else you could phone them or visit their websites instead. Interestingly enough, most insurance companies prefer customers to sign-up online nowadays and most are willing to offer an additional discount if you do.
When you start shopping around for quotes you'll often notice adverts offering car insurance from as little as this or as little as that. Bear in mind however that these figures are based on the assumption that you'll meet all the different criteria. In reality you'll mostly find that the quote you get is noticeably higher than the amount you saw being advertised. When this happens it's usually because you failed to meet all their requirements.
Perhaps your car doesn't have a recognised alarm system, or perhaps your car has no immobiliser fitted. Some prices you see are based on the fact that a car has a GPS tracking device, even though the vast majority of cars don't have one fitted. This doesn't mean the insurance company is being deceitful, but instead, it's just standard marketing practice.
Understanding Car Insurance Companies:
As has already been pointed out, insurance companies base their rates on a number of things, so the more you know, the better your chances are of securing affordable insurance. In other words, go and get an alarm fitted and do whatever else you can in order to make your car unappealing to thieves. Also, if you have not yet actually bought your car, then you may be surprised to hear that certain models are more prone to theft than others, so of course you'd do well to steer clear of those.
With all that said, shopping around and doing research is the key to finding the cheapest car insurance, providing of course you're able to meet certain criteria.
by: Tom Jones
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