Positive Affirmations And How They Can Transform Your Life

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What are affirmations?
Any thought that is passed on to the subconscious often enough
and convincingly enough is finally accepted.- Robert Collier
Affirmations are positive statements that you can write and say out loud to bring about positive changes in your life. Our lives are directed and influenced by the constant flood of thoughts going through our minds. These thoughts can be about ourselves, our relationships, our health, our prosperity, our success, our house, the foods we eat, the clutter in our closet, the traffic, the weather, and so on.
These thoughts float through our conscious and subconscious mind. If the majority of your thoughts are negative in nature, they will cause you to feel unhappy, dissatisfied, and unfulfilled. These negative thoughts also will attract more unhappy circumstances into your life. If the majority of your thoughts are positive, you will feel lighter, peaceful, joyous, and happy. These positive thoughts act like magnets and bring more happy circumstances into your life. To see how your thoughts are impacting your life, you must first become aware of those thoughts.
One really simple way to gauge where your current thoughts are is to continually ask yourself throughout the day -- what thought am I thinking? Consider writing small notes and scattering them throughout your home and environment to periodically check in on your thinking. Put one in your car, in your calendar, on your computer keyboard, in your silverware drawer, and on your toothpaste. As you start to get a sense of your dominant pattern of thinking, you may start to be aware that your thoughts are often about what you don't want and not about what you do want.
To impact your reality and begin to improve your life, you must think about what you do want. The good thing is that your subconscious mind does not know the difference between a thought about reality versus a thought about a dream or fantasy. You can use powerful affirmations to shape your life into what you want it to be.
Affirmations are statements in the present tense that you repeat to impact your energetic field in a very positive way. Using these statements, you can create the many things you wish to experience or bring into your reality.
Examples of positive affirmations include:
- I see evidence of my abundance everywhere I look
- I walk with great energy every day, and feel my body getting into wonderful shape.
- I am worthy of a great new position that brings me additional income and success.
- My body is nourished by the vitamins and all of the wonderful ingredients in this salad.
- My house remains clutter free as I put everything in its place.
To manifest good things into your life, you must be able to believe that it is possible to have the things that you want. Do you believe you can land that promotion? Do you believe that you can reach a healthy weight? Do you believe you can attract unexpected money? If you don't believe it now, the good news is that a belief is just a thought you keep thinking. And, you get to the believability stage by using powerful affirmations - powerful thoughts that you think, write and say over and over and over again. This repetition will convince your mind that what you are saying is true - you now believe it to be true, and that is when the change can happen and the manifestations can begin.
Affirmations are a key to changing your life. Your thoughts and what you believe will attract and manifest whether you are conscious of them or not. Improve the quality of your thoughts in a step by step fashion. Start by using a few powerful affirmations throughout your day which can align you to your goals.
by: Nikki Mennel
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