Positions For Getting Pregnant With A Boy
Share: If you are trying for a baby and want to influence the gender
, there are certain positions for getting pregnant with a boy. I always say that you should never take notice of hearsay and old wives tales and although many people believe that choosing different positions is just that-nothing could be further from the truth.
There are very valid scientific reasons why certain positions are better than others for getting pregnant with a boy which revolve around the characteristics of male sperm.
Male sperm is much smaller and faster than female sperm. It is more fragile, meaning that it cannot survive for as long as its female counterpart and it more likely to be harmed by factors in the vaginal environment. For example, male sperm is far more likely to find the journey to the egg more arduous than female sperm would, so one aim is to position the sperm as close to the egg as possible to minimise the journey length and time. Another aim is to take advantage of the varying pH levels within the vagina, as male sperm thrives best in an alkaline environment and this can be found near to the cervix.
The best positions for getting pregnant with a boy are the rear entry position and a couple of variations on the missionary position.
With the rear entry position, this is best if the woman is crouching, rather than lying flat. With regard to the missionary position, either place a pillow under the buttocks to elevate the pelvis, or the woman should try to wrap her legs high around the man's shoulders if possible.
Sexual intercourse positions are one part of the jigsaw when it comes to determining a baby's gender. To maximize your chances of having a boy, you will also need to consider eating an alkaline diet, douching, and of course, the timing of intercourse.
If you would like to see tried-and-tested, all-encompassing methods which include comprehensive information on how to naturally conceive a son, there is an excellent guide which claims a 95% success rate.
To see this fully guaranteed, comprehensive risk-free method please visit
Choose Baby's Gender.
This method includes detailed tips on positions for getting pregnant with a boy.
Positions For Getting Pregnant With A Boy
By: Francesca Hopkins
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