Planning Your Life And Programming Success

Share: Do you plan to be successful or do you just plan
? There is a big difference between the two.
Any kind of plan is probably better than no plan at all. But do you know the reason so many plans fail or succeed only as a faded, watered-down version of what they're supposed to be? It could be inadequate information gathering, or a lacklustre vision or poor implementation or non-existent management. All of these things will come into play, whether your intention is to make your business more profitable, advance in your career or re-organise your life.
As a coach who encourages courage, and as an expert in change and transition, I talk to people when they are at the beginning of dreaming the big dreams and daring to do the big stuff. Or people who have been plunged into the big stuff and are wondering what happened to them.
They are either wandering around in a daze or they are stuck where they are now, because they can't see a clear way forward. Or they have too many options and choices and can't make up their minds.
The thing that holds all these people back, whether they are starting on a major transition or just wanting to move their business forward, whether they have a definite plan or just a hazy idea, the thing that really holds them back is not their inadequate information gathering, or their poor implementation.
The thing that holds them back - this may shock you but it is important for you to know as it will hold YOU back also, is...
Your plan isn't big enough!
Your plan should make your pulse race, make your spine tingle, bring a smile to your face or at least put a bolt-of-lightning enthusiasm into your core. If it doesn't do this then have a rethink.
While your plan doesn't have to be 'big' in the eyes of the world (not everyone want to run a multinational franchise or be a political leader of their country) it has to be big for you.
So whatever you are planning for your life, your business or your career, ask yourself these questions.
Is the dream big? And if it is can you make it bigger?
Does it make your spine tingle with that feeling that is excitement bordering on the scary stuff? It shouldn't totally terrify you but it should make you say 'oh yes' with that burst of adrenaline to energise you.
Does it make you smile? Or grin with delight or feel like you are being hugged?
Will it make other people smile? Or make a considerable difference to their lives?
Does it feel a little bit risky? I don't want you to bet the farm on this, especially if you are not the betting type. And it may not necessarily feel financially risky... it could be your reputation, your credibility or your inner beliefs that you feel you are putting on show, and that is risky. But putting YOU into the enterprise is what will make the difference.
If you can't answer yes to most of these questions then you are playing too small which is NOT the kind of person you are.
by: Liz Copeland
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