Autonomous robots which work without human operators are required in robotic fields
. In order to achieve tasks, autonomous robots have to be intelligent and should decide their own action. When the autonomous robot decides its action, it is necessary to plan optimally depending on their tasks. More, it is necessary to plan a collision free path minimizing a cost such as time, energy and distance. When an autonomous robot moves from a point to a target point in its given environment, it is necessary to plan an optimal or feasible path avoiding obstacles in its way and answer to some criterion of autonomy requirements such as: thermal, energy, time, and safety. Therefore, the major main work for path planning for autonomous mobile robot is to search a collision free path.
Motion planning is one of the important tasks in intelligent control of autonomous mobile robot. It is often decomposed into path planning and trajectory planning. Path planning is to generate a collision free path in an environment with obstacles and optimize it with respect to some criterion. Trajectory planning is to schedule the movement of a mobile robot along the planned path.
If the environment is a known static terrain and it generates a path in advance it said to be off-line algorithm. It is said to be on-line if it is capable of producing a new path in response to environmental changes.
A robotic system capable of some degree of self-sufficiency is the overall objective of an autonomous mobile robot and are required many fields. The focus is on the ability to move and on being self-sufficient while trying to imitate the biology. Indeed biological models are of major interest since living systems are prototypes of autonomous behaviors.