The pitch recognition of absolute pitch and relativepitchhas been the guiding force behind some of the most popular musicians in the world. This is why a good sense of pitch is one of the most important qualities of good musicians.
Absolute pitch which is also known as perfect pitch is the ability to hear a musical note or chord and name it. It is believed that it can be learned; you are either born with it or not. Some people have endowed with absolute pitch at born while others don't whichexplains why some people are singers and some aren't.
Relative pitch is the ability to hear and comprehend the relationship between one note and another . It isa musical interval which can be learned.
Is it possible to train the absolute pitch and relative pitch at the same time? Usually mastering absolute pitch can be hard if you have no previous relative pitch training which makes the person familiar with musical notes in general. Thus makes it easier to learn the absolute pitch.
For a musician it is a great thing to have both absolute pitch and relative pitch at the same time. Because it is the time when a whole new world of musical opportunities open up to you. It is time to boost confidence since you will be see by others around you as rare and exceptional.
Develop absolute pitch and relative pitch at the same time can bring several advantages to your life as a musician. With pitch training, youwill be able to;
name any chord or note by ear
play any song by ear
sing any song from memory without the need for using a pitch pipe
compose melodies and songs easily in your head
find chords by ear without the need for searching with your fingers or eyes
know the signature of any song by ear
idendify the sharp or flat pitches by ear
hear mentally the sheet music as you read it
improvise confidently without messing up
Pitch training play a vital role for people who are serious about having a musical career. It may take months or even years learningpitch recognition. But taking exercises designed to strengthen your inner ear and enable to master the art of absolute pitch and relative pitch is the only way to get pitch recognition. This is why pitch training is the best investment in your musical training to realize your dreams of singing on the stage.