Phoenix Consultant

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Phoenix Consultant
This is par for the case in an economic environment such as this, not only is business down, but the hiring people whether it's a department head or someone from human resources has a lot of pressure on them to hire just the right person for the project or job, these people are doting their I's and crossing their T's, their asking so much more of the person they look to hire in regards to experience and skills, some are asking beyond what is reasonable of a single person accumulating in a single life time except of course for a very few.
They feel they are in position to wait for the right person to come along, and given these times, they are probably right, but how long do you wait? Obviously reason plays an important role here and so does fear of picking the wrong person. I have witnessed many hiring's were the wrong person was picked several times based on conventional criteria, meaning the most amount of education, the most keywords found in a resume (sounds like an internet search engine), age(?, will this person stay and grow into the position and stay with the company long term), enthusiasm and personality.

Share: Unfortunately this does not work anymore, or obviously the wrong choices are being made repeatedly, I did some analysis work for a firm, were I documented how many times the same job was posted to internet job sites in a given year, I followed up with interviews and documented the information for later analysis. Interestingly I found many times the shorter the contract for a given project, the age range of people who were accepted and hired and then moved on before the project was completed was 20 30 years.
These people had at least a bachelors degree with none to 3 years experience, their resumes contained many of the key words and phrases the hiring person was looking for, their resumes were professionally written, they had very up beat attitudes and appeared to the hiring person as perfect or close to perfect matches. The people most passed up on these job posts were of the age range of 40 - 65, their resume most of the time were self written, they contained impressive credentials and even more impressive experience, but some of their experience was lacking the keywords or keyword phrases that the hiring person was looking for, these keywords and phrases represented either new technology, trend or marketing oriented terminology representing skills and or processes that have been given new names to market a new product that really represented an old concept.
The stability of experience and loyalty represented by the older and more experienced job applicants compared to the younger with more recent diploma's was very significant, another interesting point was the age and experience of the hiring person, there seemed to be a correlation between the hiring person the person was awarded the position, obviously this would be considered discrimination on many levels, but is covered by a fear, uncertainty and false belief that a new education (last 2-6 years) is bettor that a diploma earned 10- 20 years ago, and many of the internet technologies and concepts of electronic or eMarketing principles can be applied to hiring.

Share: The life of a Phoenix consultant is precarious today, it's a bottom of the list requirement these days, with companies, especially smaller business, they're trying to make due with the status quo till they're clients start coming in and business goes up, these are hard times, even the bigger businesses are cutting back and being very picky.
What a huge mistake!, education is extremely important, and no doubt the advancement of technology and how it affects education and all the concepts that arise from this are very important, but there is an element that seems to escape many people of all ages and education, the ability to take what knowledge and experience you have and develop solutions on every day problems big or small, the problem solving abilities of people vary by degrees, some very highly educated people with a sense of now and that have the most modern mind sets have difficulty with solving medium to hard business problems, they struggle to apply their knowledge especially if there is no experience to back it up.
This is a old paradox, we tend to make choices on present day social trends, herd mentality, the latest waves of marketing proclamations of what's in, and we pass the truly willing, able and best choices, we get caught up in he newest paradigms, we forget common sense and what works. Even with people?
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