The person who assists people in doing exercises is known as personal trainer
. Personal trainer helps in increasing the healthy population, and improves the fitness components. Fitness components are classified into five different categories which are as follows:-
Muscular Endurance
Muscular strength
Body composition
Cardiovascular endurance
There are some subsets also of these components which are speed, skill and power. The average population falls under age group of 18 to 55 year old. By healthy person ones mean a person having no illness that make an effect on exercise ability of him/her.
Number of personal trainer course provides a vocational training to the ones who are interested in this field of personal training. This personal trainer course depends upon the place where one lives, and when one wants to join the course, that decides which type of course one should join. If one has completed his / her fitness qualification of instructors level 2, then he/she has to go for the course of fitness instructor before joining level 3 of personal trainer.
Online trainer courses are also available on webs. This online course is designed for those who have a good practical talent background. A person who wants to do a personal trainer course but are not capable of affording expensive classes can join online courses at discounted fees.
The training personal trainer training centers are affiliated by various governi9ng bodies like Active IQ, OCR and CYQ. All these bodies issue some common guidelines for all the training centers which they need to follow for getting affiliation.
by: Ruthord furd
Zaproxy alias impedit expedita quisquam pariatur exercitationem. Nemo rerum eveniet dolores rem quia dignissimos.
2024-12-4 16:14