Peritonitis and Abdominal Sepsis Treatment India, Peritonitis and Abdominal Sepsis Treatment, Peritonitis and Abdominal Sepsis
Peritonitis and Abdominal sepsis treatment in India is done at recognized hospitals
. Medical Treatment in USA/Europe (only Medical Treatment) = Medical Treatment in India (A tour to India + Medical Treatment + Savings With world-class medical care, equipment and facilities) in the same cost. Medical tourism can be generally defined as provision of 'cost effective' personal health care in association with the tourism industry for patients needing surgical healthcare and other forms of dedicated treatment. Indian medical tourism combines the health and holiday aspects together, to offer you a great saving for time and money. The health and holiday package could include pre-arrangement for your entire trip, all transfers, personal airport pick-up, hotel accommodation, pre-doctor appointment, quotation for healthcare treatment, optional sightseeing city/island tours and night entertainment attraction. Past records show that Peritonitis and Abdominal sepsis treatment in India is highly successful.
Peritonitis and Abdominal Sepsis
Peritonitis is defined as inflammation of the serosal membrane that lines the abdominal cavity and the organs contained therein. The peritoneum, which is an otherwise sterile environment, reacts to a variety of pathologic stimuli with a fairly uniform inflammatory response.Peritonitis is most often caused by introduction of an infection into the otherwise sterile peritoneal environment through organ perforation, but it may also result from other irritants, such as foreign bodies, bile from a perforated gall bladder or a lacerated liver, or gastric acid from a perforated ulcer. Women also experience localized peritonitis from an infected fallopian tube or a ruptured ovarian cyst. Patients may present with an acute or insidious onset of symptoms, limited and mild disease, or systemic and severe disease with septic shock.
Peritonitis and Abdominal Sepsis Treatment
Surgery remains a cornerstone of treating peritonitis. Any operation should address the first 2 principles of the treatment of intra-peritoneal infections: early and definitive source control and elimination of bacteria and toxins from the abdominal cavity. The issue of timing and adequacy of surgical source control is paramount because an improper, untimely, or incorrect operation may have an overwhelmingly negative effect on outcome (compared to medical therapy).
The operative approach is directed by the underlying disease process and the type and severity of the intra-abdominal infection. In many cases, the indication for operative intervention will be clear, as in cases of peritonitis caused by ischemic colitis, a ruptured appendix, or colonic diverticula. The surgeon should always strive to arrive at a specific diagnosis and delineate the intra-abdominal anatomy as accurately as possible prior to the operation.
However, in severe abdominal sepsis, delays in operative management may lead to a significantly higher need for reoperations and to worse outcomes overall; early exploration (ie, prior to completion of diagnostic studies) may be indicated. Surgical intervention may include resection of a perforated viscus with re-anastomosis or creation of a fistula. To reduce the bacterial load, a lavage of the abdominal cavity is performed, with particular attention to areas prone to abscess formation (e.g., paracolic gutters, subphrenic area).
After resolution of peritonitis and peritoneal abscesses, follow-up care is directed mostly by specifics of the underlying disease process and the presence or absence of chronic complications (eg, enterocutaneous fistulae). Patients with simple peritoneal infections after appendicitis or cholecystitis are usually cured and do not require long-term follow-up care. Patients with peritoneal operations for perforated peptic ulcer disease, Crohn disease, pancreatitis, and others often require lifelong medical therapy and treatment of recurrent complications.
Why India?
India is gaining a fast reputation in the field of medical tourism. Medical health centers of Mumbai, Delhi and Hyderabad offers well experienced surgeons for Peritonitis and Abdominal sepsis treatment in India. A patient can travel to India once in the same cost with the excellent health care treatment in India. So this is the best alternative available particularly for foreigners to travel to India with complete medical treatment. India is not only cheaper but the waiting time is almost nil. This is due to the outburst of the private sector which comprises of hospitals and clinics with the latest technology and best practitioners.
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