Payment Protection Insurance Your Able Guide

Share: Critical illness cover
Critical illness cover
Payment coverage in an accident case
Under the above circumstances, a salaried or a non salaried class may face financial hardship. Need to cover your monthly expenses along with your mortgage payments, store card bills or credit card payments will scare you to death. Stress accompanies your financial problems and psyche up an individual. Unable to handle the situation, one may resort to killing oneself. To avert such situations and to stay relaxed even in a financial contingency is quite a challenge. But payment protection insurance offers you this financial and mental relief that you are well protected.
Payment protection insurance covers your medical expenses, grocery bills, store card, credit card and monthly mortgage payments. It offers a compensatory income to you when some eventuality strikes you. A portion of your income say 60 to 75% would be compensated to you by the insurance company till the date you resume back to work. Some may opt for an insurance cover for life time. In case you are made redundant for life time, then you can make use of the policy for long. Such longer policies will offer you compensation for life time. Some may pay you for a period of two years and you need to find a job by then. Take a policy which offers maximum cover.
The insurer has simplified the online application for such policies. Protect your income from risks of recession, sickness, unemployment and accident. If you are well insured, you need not worry about the financial calamity that may strike you. Be prepared to face any financial adversity, get yourself a protective cover.
The insurer has improved its online protection application process to allow advisers to obtain immediate cover for clients regarding products such as income protection insurance. Make use of this simplified version of online application.
by: Kirthy Shetty
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