Past Life Regression - The Facts About Reincarnation, Karma, and Time

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, Karma, and Time
Whether you accept it or not, past life regression as practiced by therapists specializing in that field continues to prove that it does exist. Not only that, they have been able to show, time and again, that these lives often have the power to affect us in our current lives.
Time exists as the Spacious Present, but our consciousnesses have not yet developed the capacity to deal with this concept, so we delegate certain areas of experience to Past, Present, and Future. It simplifies things for us, but the fact remains that there are reincarnational bleedthroughs that can only happen because of the open-ended nature of time.
This helps to explain why so often, no matter how hard we try, we cannot make certain changes in our lives.
For many of us, we face the idea of reincarnation with a certain amount of fear, believing that if we learn the truth about our past lives, we will learn that we did terrible things and that the reason we are not successful in achieving our goals in this life is due to Karma.
Karma, however, is not meant to be a punishment. It is meant to be an opportunity for learning.
For example, an acquaintance of mine had trouble for years forming friendships with either men or women. He lived the life of an ascetic, but he admitted to me how lonely he was for friendship, and that he longed for a real relationship with a woman.
His loneliness made him so unhappy that he finally agreed to see if there might be a reason beyond this life that would explain his problem.
I recommended one particular type of binaural beat recording that would help his mind oscillate between the alpha and theta level frequencies, so that he could view some of his past lives to see if they might be the source of the problem.
After several sessions in which nothing seemed to happen, one morning he had the following experience:
While he was looking into the mirror shaving, the image of the wall behind him began to waver, and then changed. He turned around, but the change only existed when he looked at it through the mirror.
When he turned back to the mirror, the face was not his, but that of a Eunuch of Indian origin, and the full realization of this other life came into his consciousness. In that life, his job was to guard the ruler's Harem.
Naturally, he had to keep a distance from the women, but he never even tried to form friendships with other men, because he was convinced that he could not trust them.
Once he experienced this, most of his problems simply dissolved. He stopped being afraid to reach out both for friendship and love, and has continued to evolve along all lines.
Now, for the most amazing part of all, - my friend explained something I had not realized, but it shows the open-ended system of time, and how we can reach across centuries to help our selves as they reach out to help us, too.
"While I was sort of sitting in his head, it's like he was sitting in mine. We communicated, and every time I do the exercise now, it's as though I'm seeing changes in him about his trust issues, too. Knowing about him helped me, and knowing me is helping him."
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Past Life Regression - The Facts About Reincarnation, Karma, and Time Copenhagen